I growl and start after him. He throws the card to Gibson who sprints down the hallway. I chase after him but Jett blocks my way. I push him to the side and continue after Gibson.

“Private,” I grumble and snatch my card back.

“But it’s from Isla. She’s our friend, too,” Gibson says.

“I even let her win at tag.” Jett never lets anyone win. He’s the most competitive person I’ve ever met.

“She’s a little girl,” I remind him. She’s not competition.

“Still,” he pouts.

“What’s going on?” Cash asks as he enters the hallway. “Why is security complaining about you playing catch in the hallway?”

I narrow my eyes at Jett. “Not playing catch.”

He holds up his hands. “It’s not as if I stole a love letter from Leia to you. It was a card from Isla.”

“A card given to me.”

“Why is Isla giving cards to this asshole and not us?” Gibson asks.

“Isla? Leia’s daughter?” Dylan asks as he joins us. His face is flushed and there’s a twinkle in his eye. He must have been on the phone with Virginia.

Jett points at Dylan’s face. “Someone was having phone sex with his girlfriend again.”

“I never thought the shy librarian would be into phone sex,” Gibson says.

Dylan glares at him. “No more talk of Ginny and sex.”

Gibson curls his bottom lip in a pout. “But I want all the details. I tell you all the details of my exploits.”

“Ginny is not an exploit. She’s the woman I love.”

I wait for the pang of jealousy to hit me the way it always does whenever Dylan or Cash refer to the women they love but it doesn’t come. Instead of jealousy, all I feel is longing.

Longing to be with Leia and Isla now instead of standing in this hallway with my bandmates waiting to go home. I want Leia in my arms where she belongs.

Where she belongs? Fuck. I rub a hand down my face. I want Leia.

I knew I wanted her the first second I saw her. How could I not with her mischievous blue eyes and curly blonde hair?

But I swore off relationships after what she did to me. I never wanted to open myself up to another person again. Never wanted to feel the pain of having everything I’ve ever wanted ripped away from me again.

But with Leia, I’m not worried about opening myself. I’m not panicked. Quite the opposite.

Imagining the little firecracker as mine has excitement coursing through me. I’m ready to take a chance again with Leia.

Chapter 12

Distraction – A ruse to prevent the gossip gals from concentrating on your love life


I trudge up the courtroom steps. I’m tired and in no mood to attend a Winter Falls business meeting. But Brody insisted I attend on his behalf tonight, so here I am.

“Oh good, you’re here,” Sage says when I enter the building.

And she’s not alone. All of the gossip gals are with her. And the gleams in their eyes say they are up to something. I have a feeling these ladies are always up to something. Whoever said small town living is boring hasn’t met the gossip gals.