Tammy kneels in front of Isla. “What about you? Any experience?” Isla shakes her head.

“Mom neither,” I add.

“Not a problem.” Tammy motions us toward the stables. “We’ll get you kitted out.”

Jett snags Isla and puts her on his shoulders. “I’ll help the little one.” He pretends to gallop away before I have a chance to protest.

We reach the stables and Tammy gives us some tips before showing us to our horses.

“Umm…” This thing – no, not thing, Patty is her name. Patty’s huge. I don’t know how I’m supposed to get on her, let alone ride her.

“Shall I help you?” Fender asks from way too close behind me. I can feel his breath on my neck. Goosebumps arise and I lock my muscles down tight before I shiver.

“T-t-thank you,” I stutter.

“I’m going to touch you now.”

He steps closer until I feel his body surrounding me. His musky scent wraps around me. I can imagine how it would feel to be in his arms. I bet I would feel safe and protected. My knees go weak and I wobble.

“Easy. No reason to be scared.”

Scared of being with him? I’m not scared. I’m excited. My panties are damp just thinking about it. I bet he’s a considerate lover. I bet he wouldn’t come first before rolling off me and starting to snore while his pants are still around his ankles.

“You got this,” he murmurs as he places his hands on my hips and lifts me up to straddle the horse.

Oh my, he’s strong. His muscles didn’t strain to lift me.

“You’re strong.” The words are out before I can stop them.

“And big.”

I can see he’s big. He winks.

Oh, he’s not referring to his complete body. He’s referring to one particular body part. A body part I wouldn’t mind touching with my hands and mouth. And being filled with. Too bad he only wants a one-night stand with me.

But can’t we take him for a ride anyway? It’s been a long time.

It has. My eyes are glued to his body as he mounts his horse. Strong and agile. Maybe I should make an exception to my no one-night stands rule.

Chapter 11

Epiphany – The moment you realize you’ve been blind to the possibility in front of you


I play the final notes of the song, and the sound reverberates throughout the venue until silence falls. The silence lasts for a millisecond before the crowd erupts in cheers. Finally, we’re done. Not only with this concert but with the week of back-to-back concerts.

I set my bass down before exiting the stage. Jett, Gibson, Dylan, and Cash follow me.

“Encore! Encore! Encore!”

I ignore the crowd. I’ve heard concert-goers yell for Cash & the Sinners to perform an encore for years now. It no longer excites me.

I scowl. It no longer excites me? Since when? On our tour last year, I was pumped whenever I came off stage. Full of restless energy and excitement. Why not now?

“Dude.” Jett elbows me. “Get with the program.”

“He’s not dude. He’s grumpapottamus,” Gibson says.