“The old ladies of this town.”

“The gossip gals?” The gossip gals are a hoot.

“They do enjoy their gossip.”

I don’t disagree with him. There’s a reason the ladies dubbed themselves the gossip gals after all.

“They’re interfering where they shouldn’t be.”

“What do you mean?”

Before he can answer, Moon arrives with two carry-out bags. “Here you go.”

I’m confused. “I didn’t order takeout. I was planning to eat here. And this is a lot of food.” Even for me.

“And now she claims she’s out of meatloaf,” someone hollers from behind me.

Moon sticks her tongue out at him. “These meals were ordered in advance.”

My brow wrinkles. “In advance? I didn’t order in advance.”

“I have it written down.” She opens her notepad and reads, “Two meatloaf meals for Fender and Leia.”

“Leia? I didn’t order food for Leia.”

“Nonetheless.” She taps the bags. “Better deliver it to her before it gets cold.”

I glance over at Mercury to ask him if this is what he meant about the gossip gals being up to something but he’s disappeared.

The bell behind her rings. “Food’s up!”

“I’ll put it on your tab,” she says as she scurries away.

This is ridiculous. I was planning to eat here. Not at home where my roommates can steal my food. And I didn’t order a meal for Leia. Why would I order food for the woman who hates me?

Hold on. I can deliver this to Leia as a kind gesture. It won’t make up for what an ass I’ve been but it can’t hurt. Good plan. I smirk as I pick up the bags and make my way to the exit of the diner.

I can smell the meatloaf and potatoes as I walk up Leia’s porch steps and knock on the door. My stomach rumbles in anticipation.

“Good. You’re back,” she says as she swings the door open. She scowls when she realizes it’s me. “You’re not Indigo.”

I lift the bag. “I brought your order from the diner.”

Her brow wrinkles. “My order from the diner? What is going on today? First, Indigo shows up and steals my daughter. And then you show up with food I didn’t order.”

“You didn’t order this food?”

She snorts. “I didn’t even know it was possible to get takeout from the diner. Isn’t takeout bad for the environment?”

“I have an arrangement with the diner.”

“Must be nice to be a rockstar,” she grumbles.

She has no idea. Being a rockstar isn’t all it’s made out to be. Why else are all five of us hiding out in the small town of Winter Falls where no one cares who we are, fans are unceremoniously kicked out of town, and the paparazzi are practically banned?

“Do you want the food?”

“Are you kidding? I’m drooling from the smell alone. Moon is crazy but she knows how to cook.”