Gibson snorts. “Don’t be silly. The brewery’s owned by two of your brothers. We won’t get banned.”

I follow them out of the recording studio. I notice Isla playing around with some kids across the street at the Community Center and wave to her. She waves back. Good. She must not have heard the knock-down drag-out fight I had with her mom in their front yard last night.

I rub a hand over my chest as guilt swarms me. I need to fix what I screwed up with Leia. But I don’t know how. I don’t exactly have a good track record with women.

Chapter 9

Meatloaf – An excuse to bring two people together


The bell over the door at Moon’s Diner chimes as I walk in. I scan the restaurant. There’s not a table free. Not surprising since it’s meatloaf night, which is why I’m here. This place has the best homemade meatloaf I’ve ever eaten.

I make my way to the counter and sit there.

“Hey, Fender,” Moon, the owner of the diner, stops in front of me. “You want the usual?”

I grunt.

She makes a checkmark in the air. “Check! Another exciting conversation with Fender Hays.”

I grunt again.

She giggles. “If I found grumpy men sexy, I would chase after you until you gave up from exhaustion.”

“But you’re engaged,” a man I assume is her fiancé hollers across the room.

“We agreed I can flirt with other men.”

“No, you proclaimed you can flirt with other men, Moonbeam.”

“I’m not understanding the difference.”

A pang of envy hits me at their easy bantering. I want what they have. I thought I had it once, but it was all a lie.

Moon sighs. “Do you see what I have to put up with?”

“Will you stop your bickering and get my food?” the old man next to me asks.

She rolls her eyes. “Of course, Old Man Mercury. Coming right up.” She twirls away.

“They’re up to no good,” he says once she’s gone.

I glance around but there isn’t anyone else sitting at the counter.

“I’m speaking to you, Fender Hays.”

“Do I know you?”

“I’m Mercury, one of the founders of Winter Falls.”

I lift my hand to shake his but he scowls at me and I drop my hand. “Nice to meet you.”


I chuckle. He called my bluff. This old guy is cool.

“Who’s up to something?” I ask.