“It seems unfair. We have to get our asses over to Colorado because the two of you fell in love.” Jett’s face practically turns green at the words ‘fell in love’.

“You can always stay in Winter Falls,” Cash reminds him.

“The lease on the house isn’t up for several months,” Dylan adds.

Cash motions to me. “Big guy isn’t going anywhere.”

“Because Leia’s here,” Gibson sings.

I glare at him. “You know why I’m not leaving.”

He sobers. “Sorry, big guy.”

The entire band knows my sad story. There aren’t many secrets between the five of us. It’s hard to keep a secret when you’re on the road together for months at a time.

I wave away Gibson’s apology.

“We can ask Aurora to handle travel arrangements for you two from wherever you are to the next concert stop, but you’ll need to keep her appraised of your locations,” Cash says.

“Yeah,” Dylan agrees. “No slinking off to go rappelling off the Badlands Wall in the middle of the night.”

“How else do you suggest I observe the stars at night in the Badlands?” Jett asks.

“With a telescope,” Cash suggests.

“From the safety of a car,” Dylan adds.

Jett sniffs. “Sounds boring.”

Jett’s search for adventure is going to get him killed if he doesn’t slow down. Since he’s busy running as fast as he can from his past, I don’t expect him to slow down anytime soon.

“What if I don’t know where I’ll be?” Gibson asks.

I rub a hand down my face. Gibson is a heavy drinker who thinks charming women out of their panties should be an Olympic sport. He refuses to be tied down to a schedule because he wants to be able to follow a different woman to bed every night.

Cash shrugs. “You can make your way to the venue on your own.”

Gibson’s nose wrinkles. “Arrange my own travel? That’s what Aurora’s for.”

Jett growls. “Aurora isn’t your personal assistant.”

“But you want her to be your personal assistant.” Gibson waggles his eyebrows.

Here we go again. My stomach rumbles to remind me it’s been several hours since breakfast. I stand.


“The brewery’s open. I could go for a burger,” Jett says.

“And one of their new IPAs,” Gibson adds.

I frown. Gibson’s been drinking way too much lately. I’ve tried hiding his beer but he always finds it or buys more. He can’t manage to buy groceries – he’s always stealing mine – but beer, he’s never without.

“I’m off to meet Ginny. I’ll meet you guys back here in an hour,” Dylan says and hurries out the door without a backward glance.

“You coming?” Jett asks Cash as we walk toward the door.

Cash sighs. “I better before you manage to get yourself banned from Naked Falls Brewery.”