“Please tell me I’m sleeping.”

Bryan laughs. “You’re not sleeping and this is the most fun I’ve had since Dylan chased Virginia.”

I know all about how Dylan humiliated Virginia in high school but forgot about it. When he met her again in Winter Falls, he fell hard for her.

But I’m not interested in a romance story of my own. And, judging by the nasty comments Fender has made about my parenting skills, he doesn’t want anything to do with me.

Good. I don’t want a man.

Maybe moving to Winter Falls wasn’t the right decision after all.

Chapter 6

Babysitter – someone who should watch your child; not tell you how to be a parent


I sigh as I set my bass down. I hate to admit it, but it’s boring without Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum around. Plus, I’m worried about what trouble they’re getting into. Those two could find trouble in a convent. In fact, I think they have.

My stomach rumbles and I check my watch. Close enough to dinner time. I guess I’ll make some food. The thought of food immediately perks me up.

I’m rummaging through the refrigerator when the doorbell rings. My brow wrinkles. Who the hell is ringing the doorbell? Everyone I know in town would barge in without warning.

I shut the refrigerator and march to the front door.

“I’m really sorry,” Leia says the second I open the door.

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her.

“I need to drive to Denver to pick something up for Brody, but I can’t find anyone to watch Isla. The community center is already closed. I can’t get ahold of Indigo or Virginia. Even the gossip gals – who promised they’d change my children’s diapers – are nowhere to be found.”

I scratch my beard in confusion. “Isla doesn’t wear diapers.”

Her daughter frowns. “I’m not a baby.”

I raise an eyebrow at Leia but she shakes her head. “It’s a long story.”

I wait but I guess she’s not telling me her long story.

She clears her throat. “Can you babysit Isla? It’s only for a few hours. I should be home by ten at the latest.”

I glance down at her daughter who looks up at me with wide eyes. Am I supposed to be able to resist those blue eyes? Can anyone resist them? I certainly can’t.

“Please, don’t make me beg.”

I want to hear Leia begging. Preferably while I’m buried deep inside her and she’s on the verge of release. My pants tighten and I grunt.

“Is your grunt a yes? I don’t know. I don’t speak grunt. Or grump for that matter. I should probably learn. Do they have grump interpretation courses?”

She’s rambling and flustered. It’s adorable. No, not adorable. She’s abandoning her child to a man she barely knows. There’s nothing adorable about this woman.

“I’ll watch her,” I growl.

Her shoulders fall with relief. “Thank you.”

She squeezes Isla’s shoulder. “Be good for Fender. Listen to what he says. No sassing at him.”

Isla grins. “I’m always good.”