“Because I am the boss of you.”

Bryan leans over the counter to whisper to me. “He thinks he’s the boss of me because he signs my paychecks.”

I giggle. “I think signing your paycheck is the definition of boss.”

“Who are you?” Isla asks the big guy.

He comes around the counter and kneels in front of her. “I’m Rowan. I have a daughter but she’s not as big as you. She’s a baby.”

“I’m not a baby. I’m eleven and a half.”

“And you’re here for a treat.”

She grins. “Mom said I can have a treat because I was good today.”

I place my hand on her shoulder. “She was very good today.”

The door opens behind us and someone shouts, “They’re in here!”

I glance around but besides Rowan and Bryan, there are no other customers in the bakery other than Isla and myself.

Rowan holds out his hand to Isla. “Do you want a tour of the kitchen where all the baking happens?”

Isla looks up at me with wide eyes. “Can I, Mom? Can I?”

“Trust me, girl,” Bryan says before I have a chance to answer. “You want your girl out of firing range.”

“Firing range? What’s happening?” And do I need to grab my daughter and bolt?

“Everything’s fine. Bryan’s a bit dramatic,” Rowan says before addressing my daughter again. “Come on, Isla. I’m baking some snickerdoodles. How do you feel about cinnamon?”

“Yummy!” she yells before following him to the kitchen.

“Leia Wilson!”

I startle at the sound of my name. Bryan slides a drink across the counter. “Sorry, I don’t have any alcohol. A caramel mocha latte will have to do.”

Why do I need alcohol? What is happening?

I take a fortifying sip of my drink before slowly facing the woman who called my name. Except it’s not one woman. It’s five elderly women.

I steel my spine. If I can take my final in business economics smelling of puke after being awake all night with Isla projectile vomiting, I can handle a bunch of old ladies. Side note – I aced that final.


“I’ll do the introductions,” the woman in the front says. “I’m Sage. I’m the leader.”

The woman next to her rolls her eyes. “She always says she’s the leader. She’s not.”

Sage bristles. “I am, too.”


I’ve never heard a woman old enough to be my grandmother grumble whatever before. I bite my tongue to hide my amusement. No matter how crazy a person is, laughing in their face is wrong.

Sage clears her throat. “Anyway, this is Feather, Petal, Cayenne, and Clove. Together we’re the…”

“Gossip gals!” They announce together.