Right before I fall into the deepest sleep I’ve had in a long time, I make a mental note to ask him what the words he’s saying mean.
I wake up on a startle. First, the feeling of being in such a deep sleep is unfamiliar to me. I can’t remember the last time, or if I’ve ever slept so deeply. As the owner of nightclubs, most of my business is conducted at night, which is my preference.
Warmth spreads through me as the memories from last night rush back. Images of Kennedy spread out naked on my bed, open for me, calling my name, awaken my sleeping cock.
I roll over to give us both the morning wake up we need, but her side of the bed is empty.
“The fuck?” I sit up. The sheets on her side of the bed are crumpled, the faint scent of her lavender perfume leaving shadows of her presence.
Yet, she’s nowhere to be found.
I toss the blanket away from my body and get up to find out where the hell she is. If she thinks she can get away from me that easily, she’s mistaken. I promised her I wouldn’t let her out of sight for the entire weekend, and I one hundred percent meant that.
I had only been half serious when I said I might not let her wear clothes the entire time, but for this stunt, she’s going to be stripped naked for the next twenty-four hours.
I stop short a few feet from my bedroom door. My breathing calms when I notice our clothes from the night before haphazardly strewn around the room. The jeans, shoes, and button-down top she wore remain where I discarded them.
Without conscious thought, I turn and pick up the discarded clothes, neatly folding them before placing them on the chair in the corner of my room. I put her bra on top of the folded pile, but her panties?
Those, like the pair I ripped back in New York, now belong to me.
Out of habit, I fold my pants but can’t find my shirt. I don’t give it much thought before I put on a pair of black boxer briefs and head downstairs.
The scent of freshly brewed coffee reaches me as I hit the bottom of the stairs. I stop when I find her standing in the center of the living room. She’s still as she stares, a mug of coffee in her hand.
What makes my dick flare is the fact that she’s dressed in my white button-down shirt from the day before.
That’s all she’s wearing.
With her curly hair pulled back in a haphazard bun, my white shirt draped over her body, she looks like a fucking angel.
When I move in behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, she leans into my chest.
“Why weren’t you next to me when I woke up this morning?”
“Did you miss me?” she asks, laying her head against my shoulder. “I didn’t want to wake you. You looked like you were sleeping so peacefully,” she admits.
I snort.
“What? You don’t believe it.”
“No.” I’m a lot of things, but peaceful isn’t high on the list.
Looking up at me, she grins.
“This thing is enormous,” she says, turning her attention back to the four-thousand-liter aquarium. “How many gallons does it hold?”
“Just under nine hundred,” I answer, staring down at her,
She peers at me over her shoulder. “It’s salt water, right? It’s beautiful.”
“It has nothing on you.” I wrap my arms tighter around her waist.