Page 49 of Save Me

“Dae, Taehyun, please,” Larry says. “We understand. We would never ask that you play up your sociable contributions for the sole purpose of doing business.”

“Isn’t that why you’re considering Blackmon’s offer over ours?” I ask bluntly.

They look at one another.

“Well, he has great public standing,” Larry continues. “He does a lot of work with children, especially adolescents. Publicity like that attached to the Global Realty name could improve public perception.”

“So you’re more concerned with PR than business acumen?” Jersey asks. She doesn’t bother to hide the irritation in her voice.

At this point, all three of us are frustrated with the glacial pace of this fucking deal. It’s one stepping stone toward our ultimate plans but also a big step. One that needs completion before we can get where we’re really going.

“That’s not what he meant,” one of them says.

“Then what did he mean?” I ask directly.

One of them finally says, “Blackmon has other resources at his disposal. His partnership with Daniel Park of Park & Associates also boosts the public relations department.”

I stiffen at the name. Until now, we assumed Park was a silent partner of Blackmon’s.

“Yes,” another one of the men says. “Park does excellent work in South Korea as well and is poised to enter the Chinese market.”

“He’s a fraud,” I say before I can stop myself.

“Dae,” Jersey scolds.

I don’t look her way.

“Whatever that co— he told you, it’s bullshit. And anyone who works with him is asking for trouble,” I assure them.

Alarmed looks are exchanged across the table.

“Dae, do you know something we don’t?” Larry asks.

“If you do, please share,” another one implores.

“Daniel Park isn’t who your company needs to work with.”

“Dae means that our team is prepared to increase the stakes. We’re that sure in what we have to offer,” Taehyun smooths over.

My jaw tightens with rage as I think about that motherfucker. “He’s not what you’re looking for,” I say more calmly.

“That’s all I’ll say on the topic of Daniel Park. As for what we have to offer, you know what we have. We’ve already had a successful business venture together,” I remind them of the building that is now turning their company a profit.

The same building I live in that enables me to keep an eye on my little warrior when she’s not with me.

“I suggest you all go back and look over the numbers and recognize where your real winnings are before you attempt to get into bed with Blackmon and the likes of Daniel Park. We’re done here for tonight,” I say abruptly.

There are questions and curious looks from the men in the room, but I leave that to Jersey to handle. She’s even better than Taehyun when it comes to smoothing shit over.

I give Taehyun a look as I head out of the room. As soon as our eyes lock, I know he knows to expect a call from me in the next few minutes. The last sound I hear as I exit the room is my best friend signing off the meeting.

I loosen my tie as I take the stairs to my office instead of the private elevator. As I do, I can’t help but picture that fucker Daniel Park in my head.

My hand goes to the scar on my chin without a conscious thought. The one that’s covered by my beard. The only physical scar left over from that day.

My other hand slides into the pocket of my suit pants, and I reach for the silk handkerchief I always have with me—the one she gave me that day to wipe the blood away.

Touching it calms me in a way nothing else could. Knowing that she’s finally in my grasp again settles the ragged edges of my nerves. Still, the thoughts alone aren’t enough. I can’t make her fully mine until that bastard is taken care of.