A sour taste forms in my mouth. Even though the man is dead, the bitter memory of his abandonment remains.
“But there isn’t anyone I’ll allow to scare me, run me off, or take you from me, Kennedy. Not a soul on this planet. I love you, and I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you.” I kiss her again.
When I pull back, she stares at me. Her lips are slightly parted, and her eyes look glazed over.
“You love me?” she whispers.
“With my entire heart and soul.”
The car comes to a stop, and I realize that we’re outside of the convention center. Kennedy’s still staring at me.
“We’re here.”
She blinks and then peers out of her window with a nod. She squeezes my hand before the driver pulls open the door on my side. I hold her hand as she gets out. I can’t stop touching her.
Even though there are many important figures here tonight, for both business and charity, I don’t want to take my eyes off her. As we enter the event, I know I’m the luckiest bastard in the room tonight.
“Your cousin looks good in a tux,” Kennedy says, glancing over my shoulder.
I narrow my eyes and look in the same direction to find Taehyun speaking with a group of men from the Global Group.
“I know I said this last night, but it’s almost uncanny how much you two look alike,” she continues, staring between my cousin and me.
Taehyun got in yesterday afternoon, and he and Jersey had dinner at my place with Kennedy and me.
“Stop staring at my cousin unless you want me to snap his neck.”
Gasping, she widens her eyes as she stares at me. “Don’t say that. He’s your best friend.”
I meet her gaze. “I don’t like you looking at other men. Even if they’re my family.”
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Stop it. I know you don’t mean that.”
I curl my top lip because she’s right. I wouldn’t snap Taehyun’s neck, but I’d still beat his ass for looking at her for too long.
“What’s the long face about, cousin?” Taehyun asks as he approaches, a broad grin on his face.
“He’s upset because I was complimenting you in your tux,” Kennedy answers.
Taehyun straightens his shoulders and smiles wider. “I do look good, huh?” His eyes sparkle in mischief as he looks at Kennedy. “I bet you’re bummed you picked the uglier cousin out of the two of us.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
A growl of irritation comes out of my throat. “Don’t test me.” I glare at my cousin.
He takes a sip from the champagne flute in his hand while peering at me over the rim with a lifted eyebrow.
“Unless you want to know what it feels like to need your jaw wired shut for six weeks, you’ll keep your funny comments to yourself,” I growl.
“Whoa,” Taehyun says, holding up his hands. “Touchy.”
“Stop it,” Kennedy admonishes.
“Are you threatening my brother again?” Jersey asks, interrupting us. She moves to her brother’s side, wrapping her arm around his.
“He is, sis. I don’t know how you work with him five days a week.”