Page 7 of Forbidden

“I don’t see why not.”

Anya smiled, turning on her side with her arm gripping a small plush dog. “Are you scared for your first day? Do you think they’ll be nice to you?”

In the innocently spoken question, I heard her own fears about starting a new school, even if it was still a couple of weeks off.

“Yeah,” I told her. “I think they’ll be nice to me. The important thing about meeting new people is making sure you treat them the way you want to be treated, right?”

She nodded. “Mommy always said that too. The Gold Rule.”

“Close,” I murmured, ruffling a hand over her head.

“You’re really quiet when you meet new people, though, Daddy.”

“I suppose I am.”

“Does that mean you want people to be quiet with you too?” she asked, completely innocent, and like she did just about every day, she broke my heart just a little further.

But I decided to answer her honestly. “Depends on the person. I like hearing you talk, gingersnap.”

She giggled. “You have to say that.”

“Nah. I only say it because I mean it.”

“I think you should figure out what your new people like, Daddy. They may not be like you.”

“You’re pretty smart, you know that?”

Anya sighed, snuggling her face into the stuffed animal. “Maybe you should take The Mommy List with you,” she said quietly. “Just in case.”

The Mommy List, as she’d started referring to it, was tucked in the frame behind Beth’s picture, at Anya’s request. Over the past two years, anytime I went somewhere new, she asked me if I needed it. Just in case.

I always said the same thing. And she never pushed it.

Like I could forget that damn list anyway.

“Maybe I should.” I smiled. “You ready to go to sleep now?”

She nodded. “I think so.”

I stood, leaning over to drop a kiss on her forehead. By the time I walked into the hallway and pulled her door closed behind me, her eyes were already closed.

Anya’s words rang in my head, and I pulled out my phone and decided to send Amy a text.

Me: I know I’ll be there in the morning, but so I don’t forget to bring it up, I’ll take any tips on the best way to introduce myself to the staff.

She responded almost immediately.

Amy: Most of them were aware this was a possibility, so I don’t think anyone will be too shocked, but we’ll set up a time for you to meet Isabel before we do a meeting with everyone.

Me: How do you think she’ll take it?

Amy: She’ll be your biggest ally in this. She’s smart and dedicated, and completely unflappable. I swear, I’ve never seen anything knock her off-balance.

Me: Unflappable sounds pretty good right now.

Amy: Tomorrow is her day off, but she’ll probably show up at some point. Not many surprises when it comes to Isabel.

I tucked my phone away and sighed. “No surprises sounds pretty good to me.”