I laughed.
Jude's brow furrowed. "I thought they decided on Gigi and Papa."
Claire and I shared a look.
"What?" he asked.
Claire stood to refresh the washcloth. "This is what she does. When Paige is nervous or excited, she gets a little ... twitchy. She hates feeling helpless when one of us is hurting, so she fixates on something she can control."
Jude gave me a soft smile, his thumb tracing over my knuckles. "Now that I can understand."
My heart, already totally gushy from the general emotions of the day, swelled just a bit bigger. "Kiss, please."
He accommodated me happily and spoke against my lips after he pulled away. "I like it better when you're not threatening my death."
"Me too," I whispered.
The click of a photo being snapped had me blinking. Claire smiled at us, her phone aimed in our direction. "Sorry, guys. Couldn't resist."
"I hate to interrupt," the doctor said. "But unfortunately, we're too far for an epidural."
I blinked.
Jude leaned toward him. "What?"
The doctor threw away his gloves. "You've dilated very quickly since our last check. You're already at an eight, Lia."
Claire snapped her mouth shut and gave me a tremulous smile. "I'm sure it'll be fine. It'll go really fast, Lee."
I burst into tears just as the next contraction hit me.
Two hours later
If I could've given every penny I'd ever earned, traded every accolade, every award, every trophy in the entire world to trade places with Lia, I would've done it in a heartbeat.
My hands were all but crushed in her bruising grip as my other hand held the back of her thigh.
And my heart, it was a mangled, horrible useless heap behind my ribs from what I'd watched her go through the last handful of hours. How any woman ever did this more than once proved why they were the superior sex in every definable category.
Don't be a sissy, she'd made me promise. And so far, I hadn't broken that promise.
"Come on, Lia," the doctor said, face set in concentration. "Give me another push."
"I can't," she sobbed. Her hair was soaked, her face exhausted.
Claire made small soothing noises, moving another washcloth over her sister's sweaty forehead.
"Come on, love," I told her. "You're so close."
"I've heard that for the past two hours," she groaned.
"Here we go," the doctor said. The two nurses busied themselves with ... something, but as I'd promised not to look at anything that would make me faint, I couldn't tell what it was.
Lia gritted her teeth and emitted another soul-shriveling sound of pain and agony and exhaustion, and I shit you not, I could feel the bones in my hand as they were crushed into dust.
"One more, Lia, you're doing amazing," one of the nurses said, positioning herself just next to the doctor. "I can see a head of dark hair."