Page 14 of Breaking the Ice

“A prime camel toe,” Parker replies with a laugh.

“I find it hot. At least you know what you're getting,” the Swiss guy comments, giving the girl a suggestive eyebrow wiggle and an air kiss. The blonde smiles but hesitates to pass the two security guards blocking the VIP area. “Always the same with these gorillas,” Toby complains. “They scare away all the young birds.”

“If you like her, then go and talk to her,” I suggest.

He waves it off. “Nah, forget it. I'm too lazy to get up.”

What nonsense, I think. Toby isn't lazy at all; he's just scared. Despite having the biggest mouth among us, he struggles to approach women he's interested in. He's decent at casual flirting, but when it comes to a real conversation, he suddenly loses his words.

“Whatever you say,” I reply, patting his leg and rising from the white leather couch. The thing is massive, taking up the entire length of the VIP area wall. This section of the Brillant club is slightly elevated, providing a perfect view from the couch.

“Hey, what's this? Are you planning to make a move on the blonde? Just so you know, I spotted her first!” Toby's huge hand grabs my leg, holding me back.

“Man, you freak, chill out! I'm not interested in the girl. Don't forget, I have a girlfriend,” I explain, shaking him off and heading towards the security guys. When they notice me, one of them releases the red velvet rope and lets me through. Running my fingers through my hair, I descend the three steps leading to the public area. Even though it's only shortly after nine, the Brillant is bustling. On my way to the restroom, I scan my surroundings. Except for the couch, the VIP area's chairs, and the four white bars located in each corner of the club, everything inside is black. This amplifies the effect of the club's centerpiece, the dance floor. It's round and made of a special glass that resembles the surface of a diamond. Depending on how the light hits the glass, it shatters and scatters into hundreds of sparkling color specks, just like a real gemstone. A real eye-catcher. Just like the podium with the two pole-dance poles right behind the dance floor, below the DJ booth. According to Parker, this place used to be a high-end strip joint. The owner miscalculated the profits and had to sell. The stripper poles are the only reminder of that time. They're new, made of the same special glass as the dance floor. The Brillant might not be the biggest club in Portland, but its setup is definitely unique.

Outside the restroom, I'm intercepted by two pushy women who claim to be my biggest fans. They get up close, urging me to give them an autograph. Knowing I won't be able to shake them off until I fulfill their request, I give them my signature on their collarbones. Then I make my escape from their intrusive hands and alcohol breath. Finally in the restroom, I stand irritably in front of a urinal. What the hell am I doing here? Why did I let Parker convince me to come with him? I could be relaxing at home in my loft right now. Or screwing Jess's brains out and spilling all over her tits. The thought of spreading my cum across her boobs makes my cock twitch in my hand. I definitely need a decent fuck tonight. That's for sure. On days when we're behind in a game and then catch up and win, I'm always particularly horny. It's as if the tension releases a special testosterone charge in my balls. Anyway, the evening already feels too long for me. And it's only just begun. Maybe I should lie, tell the guys that Jess is having one of her jealous fits again and make my escape. At least that wouldn't surprise anyone. They know Jessica, know that she can be demanding in that way. I tuck my meat back into my jeans and step to one of the sinks. As I wash my hands, I look at my reflection in the mirror, the face that clearly shows my bad mood. My lips form a tight line, and there's a dark look around my eyes. Come on, Caleb, pull yourself together, a voice in my head whispers, it's been ages since you've gone out with Parker. Jessica isn't going anywhere; you can fuck her all night. I nod silently to my thoughts, straighten my shirt collar and jacket, and head back outside. The annoying girls from earlier are gone. At least that's something. I push through the crowd toward the VIP area. As usual around this time, it's getting more crowded by the minute. As I pass the dance floor, a strange feeling washes over me. It's like a cool breeze brushing against me. The hairs on my arms stand on end. Before I realize what's happening, I see her. Emma. She stands about five meters away from me in an off-the-shoulder white dress that clings to her body like a second skin, looking around searchingly. My breath gets caught in my throat as I lay eyes on her. This woman is drop-dead gorgeous. I watch as she tucks her black hair, gleaming like silk in the dim light, behind her ear. Clearly, she's not only catching my eye because the guy next to her turns to address her. Anger rises within me as I see him offer her a cocktail glass and casually touch her upper arm. Just as I'm about to walk over and chase the jerk away, Durand appears beside Emma. With an icy expression, he stands before our masseuse and says something to the stranger, who is a whole head taller than him. Whatever Durand said, it makes the guy back off. I see him raise his hands in surrender and move away. But what I see next makes me want to throw up. Our little Canadian turns to Emma, wraps an arm around her shoulders, and signals for her to follow him. Just for the smile she gives him in return, I want to punch him. I discreetly follow the two to the VIP area. Once there, Durand proudly presents his companion to the other guys with a triumphant grin. Then, being the gentleman, he offers Emma a seat on the couch and sits beside her. As I approach the security guys, Parker seizes the opportunity and joins them. The other guys move closer, attempting to engage Emma in conversation. She's like a light attracting all the moths, I realize. None of them notice that I'm back. I take advantage of this and settle into one of the armchairs at the edge of the VIP area. From here, I can closely observe the guys and their conquest. They're acting like kids, competing for her attention. Parker pushes his martini on her to ensure she has a drink. Durand sits so close to her he could practically have her on his lap. And Toby... well, Toby is being Toby. Just our crazy Swiss guy. I have no idea what he just said, but the others are looking at him in disbelief. Only Emma laughs and clinks glasses with him. Emma. My gaze is glued onto her stunning face. She has accentuated her feline eyes with dark makeup and applied rouge to her high cheekbones, making them even more prominent. Thanks to Jess, I am familiar with women's makeup tricks. Not that it would have the same effect on her as it does on Emma. No, all the makeup in the world wouldn't be enough for that. But she knows how to bring out the best in herself with it. I push aside the subtle guilt that creeps in as I think of Jessica and continue to observe our masseuse. Deep within me, a desire awakens to trail my tongue along her neck, to taste her skin. As if trying to shake off these thoughts, I shake my head. Damn it, Caleb, you have a girlfriend, I remind myself. Although I try to avert my gaze from this tempting woman, I can't. It’s like being magnetically drawn to her perfect body, tracing over her breasts, clearly outlined under the dress. The flat stomach, the hips, thighs, up to the point where her dress ends, revealing bare skin. I am surprised to spot the delicate lines of a tattoo. It runs along the back of her right thigh towards her buttocks. I can only see a portion of the tattoo, partly because Emma has crossed her legs. Upon closer inspection, I also discover a tattoo on her left leg. It’s like a floral vine, ending just above the knee. I follow the intricate lines snaking down the outer side of her calf to her ankle. I can’t make out the end, as Emma's feet are in white high heels. I am surprised because I didn't expect her to be tattooed. But damn, it makes the woman even hotter than she already is.

When I tear my gaze away from her legs and look up, I see that Emma has spotted me. While Parker talks beside her, she looks directly into my eyes. I can't say what is going through her mind, but one thing is certain: this woman is too tempting to resist. She holds my gaze, igniting a desire in me to dismantle Durand and all the other apes surrounding her within seconds. Fuck! What is this? What is wrong with me? Toby, following Emma's gaze, spots me too.

“Hey, Whyler!” he shouts at me. “What's up with you? Why are you just sitting there like you're waiting for someone to pick you up? Get your ass over here.” It’s only the empty cigarette pack he tosses at me that makes me avert my gaze from Emma's feline eyes. I swallow the heat in my throat and stand up.

“Make a little space for our buddy,” Toby says, pushing the others aside. “You too, Durand, don't spread out wider than you are.” With that, our goalkeeper grabs the Canadian by the arm and pulls him closer. Now, there is a spot right next to Emma. I see her smiling up at me, her fingers invitingly tapping the couch beside her. As if on autopilot, I sit down next to her, inhaling the floral perfume that wafts up my nose.

“Hi Caleb,” she says with a sweet voice. “So nice to see you.” Her hand, resting on my forearm and sending a fiery impulse towards my loins, is the final straw. That is enough! Who am I fooling here? I am not here for the game or for Parker. I never was. No, I am here because I want to meet Emma. Because I can't bear the thought of leaving her alone with Durand and the other idiots. I wanted to see her, wanted to make sure none of them got too close to her. Damned, cursed shit, I want this woman, I have to have her! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! I scream in my mind. This doesn’t suit me at all. I am taken, I can't just ditch Jess. She'd go ballistic, create a huge fuss with her father. Who knows, maybe she'd even get him to kick me out of the team. I wouldn't put it past her to have that kind of influence on him. After all, she is his only child, his sunshine. I should get Emma out of my head and go home. Damn it, I'm twenty-seven, I can control my feelings! Just as I am about to muster the strength to get up, Parker stands up and waves over the VIP waitress.

“That was a damn great game today,” he declares, hands on his hips. “Just three more wins and we're in the playoffs!” Toby and the others raise their fists in the air and cheer. “This calls for a celebration,” Parker announces, turning to the approaching waitress. “Whiskey for everyone!” he shouts, prompting the players to cheer again. It is clear to me that I am not going anywhere.



“Alright then!” Parker raises his whiskey, his gaze serious as it sweeps the room. “To our impenetrable defense.” He nods in Byers' direction, then shifts the glass towards Toby, who sits with a broad grin, nodding. “To our goalies, the finest any team could wish for.” The glass moves on, raised in Toby's direction, and I can't help but smile as all eyes turn to me. “To our sharpshooters.” This praise extends to Caleb, Durand, and, as we all know, himself. “And to our new lucky charm. May you bring us many more goals.” I smile sheepishly as all attention remains on me. “To the damn strongest hockey team in the world!” Parker concludes his toast, prompting all the players to raise their drinks and chorus, “To the Devils!” They then bring the glasses to their lips, downing the high-proof liquid in one go. Their drinking prowess leaves me astonished. Whiskey brings tears to my eyes just from the scent, yet they consume it as if it were water. It's no wonder Patrick couldn't keep up. Thank goodness I indulge in alcohol occasionally and can handle my liquor. Riley says I can hold my own for my size. Still, I resolve to take it easy tonight. After all, the tiny piece of pizza I had hardly provides a solid foundation.

As Parker settles back beside me, I take a tentative sip of the amber liquid, aware of Caleb's gaze on me.

“What's up?” I ask, turning to face him.

“You should be careful with that stuff,” he says, his expression making me chuckle.

“Why? Are you worried about me?” He doesn't answer, he just looks at me seriously. I'm about to wave it off, saying I have no intention of overdoing it, when Parker leans across me towards Caleb.

“Hey, buddy, someone wants to talk to you.” He offers him his phone. Caleb furrows his brow as he reads the caller's name, his expression darkening.

“Damn. Excuse me, please,” he grumbles, takes the phone, stands up, and heads over to the security.

“Oh, oh, I'm just saying, ‘Thunder in Paradise’,” Parker says, laughing.

“Thunder in Paradise?” I repeat, trying to figure out what he means by that.

“Yep, that was Jessica, his girl. She's pretty clingy and not a fan of him going out without her.”

Right, Caleb's taken. With a handsome man like him, I can imagine his girlfriend isn't thrilled when he goes to a club without her. I watch him go, descending the steps and heading for the exit. He wouldn't leave, would he? A slight feeling of disappointment washes over me. But that's silly, I'm not here because of him, I'm here to have fun. Durand, who shifts closer to me again, distracts me from my thoughts.

“I must say that dress suits you perfectly. You look dangerously good,” he murmurs in my ear, before giving me an appreciative once-over. I could return the compliment. In his white shirt, sleeves rolled up, and jeans, he looks really good. Actually, all the players have really dressed up today. I'm not used to seeing them like this.

“Hey, what's going on here?” I hear Parker ask, momentarily distracted because he was flagging down the waitress. Now he's leaning on his knee with one hand and throws Durand a frosty look over my head.

“You're interrupting, that's what's going on here. I have something to celebrate with Emma, so buzz off.”