“We don’t use these rooms often during the colder months. Except for the gym. I work out a lot.” Returning to his task, he shrugged. “There’s a wine cellar, an old bowling alley that no one’s used in decades…”
“How come?” Breanna asked, looking up at him.
“I don’t know.” Sinjin smiled at her, dropping another tote down to the floor. “The pinsetter is broken, I think.”
“We should get it fixed.” Holding onto him, she bounced on the balls of her feet. “I love bowling.”
“Know what I love?” His arms came around her waist, and he pulled her to his chest.
Is it me?
Whiskey eyes searing into hers, Sinjin held her face in his hands and kissed her.
Maybe it is.
His cell phone began vibrating in his pocket, but he ignored it and kept right on kissing her. Lips nuzzled into her neck, and Breanna melted in his arms. Safe. Secure. Wanted.
The vibrating stopped only to begin again.
Annoyed, Sinjin looked at his phone. “What the fuck does he want?”
“Derek. I should answer it. He won’t stop calling until I do.” He handed her one of the lighter totes. “Here, take this to Francie. I’ll be up with the rest in a minute.”
Out of his line of sight, Breanna paused outside the door, listening to the hubris in his voice.
“It’s not happening, motherfucker.”
And she smiled to herself, making her way back down the hall.
Ian kissed Breanna’s forehead, then watched her disappear around the corner before he answered the call. “What?”
“Good morning, cousin.” Amused by his annoyed tone, Derek chuckled. “How’s our lovely Miss Dalton? Has she signed the documents yet?”
And she isn’t going to.
“That’s not what I was hoping to hear.” He released a heavy sigh. “We have investors waiting, Ian, and they’re growing impatient. You need to convince her.”
“It’s not happening, motherfucker.” Cocksure, Ian propped his booted foot on a tote and leaned back against the wall.
“Make it happen,” Derek clipped, his voice low.
“Can’t. That isn’t Valerie’s Will.”
“So? Breanna will never know that.”
“No? Explain to her then, how your father witnessed the execution of a document from his grave, you stupid fucking fuck.” Pushing off the wall, Ian raised his voice. “Hope you like it up the ass, cousin. You’re going to end up disbarred and in prison.”
And I won’t be able to save you, even though I’ll try.
Derek laughed him off. “You’re so dramatic, Ian. Just a minor oversight. Thanks for catching it, though. I’ll be sure everything is in perfect order before it’s filed with the court.”