“You didn’t use a condom.” She rolled out from under him.
He snickered. “Nope.”
“I could get pregnant, you asshole.”
“Can you?” Sinjin turned to his side. “You’re not on the Pill or anything?”
And he smirked, pushing the cum that dripped from her pussy back inside her.
Breanna woke to snow softly falling outside the window.
What day was it now, anyway? Monday? Tuesday? She’d lost all sense of time here.
Handing her a mug of coffee, Sinjin got under the covers. He laced their fingers together, and bringing her knuckles to his lips, he kissed them. “What shall we do today, princess?”
“I have a name, you know.” She sniggered, blowing on the piping hot brew.
Not that she’d ever tell him, but she liked being his princess. And she loved being his dirty girl.
“So you’ve said, Miss Dalton.” He nuzzled up the side of her neck, whispering into her ear. “Breanna.”
She giggled, his breath tickling her skin. “You know, I’ve told you a lot about me, but the only thing I know about you is your first name.”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure that’s not true.” Fingertips skimming along her jaw, he asked, “What would you like to know?”
“How old are you?”
“Old.” Sinjin dropped his hand, sinking back against the pillow. “Thirty. Too old for you.”
“Is not.”
He turned onto his side, bringing Breanna to his chest. “No?”
“I don’t think so.” Dragging her teeth over her bottom lip, she smiled. “What is it you do? For a living, I mean.”
“This and that.”
Whatever that meant. ‘This and that’ must be quite lucrative, considering he drove a truck that cost more than most people earn in an entire year.
“Do you live up here on the mountain?”
“Not far.” Fingers moved up and down her spine.
“So, I could run into you after we leave here?”
“You could.” The movement on her back ceased, Sinjin’s ever-present smirk widening into a grin. “Would you like that?”
“I’d like that.” Cupping her bottom, he pressed her body into his. “Even though I shouldn’t.”
“Why shouldn’t you?” She froze. “Are you married or something?”
“I’m not married.” With an amused chuckle, his hand slid off her ass to squeeze the flesh between her legs. “Or something.”