Page 11 of Whiteout

Silky-soft skin was right there beneath his fingers. He squeezed the girl’s hip, strumming back and forth over the flesh of her belly. The faint scent of oranges clung to her hair. Sinjin inhaled, opening his eyes to hues of cappuccino and buttermilk, married into long, flowing locks.

With his cock happy in its new home, snug between the globes of her shapely ass, he was loath to leave the bed. More so, he was reluctant to leave her—the warmth of her body. Breanna was anything but the entitled, simpering little princess he expected. Smart and sassy, this girl with a potty mouth intrigued him.

Allowing his fingers to roam closer to her bare pussy, Sinjin pressed his hardness against her soft curves. What would she do if he woke her, stuffing that hole full with his fat dick? He had the feeling she’d welcome it, that she could be a match for him—in bed and out. With the storm still raging out the window, they were trapped in here together for the time being—for days, probably. Days and nights that could be spent rutting. Fucking his cum into her. Filling her up with it. Was there a better way to keep warm and pass the hours? He didn’t think so.

Wood snapped in the hearth, his gaze following the sound. The fire was almost out, and while the girl was a blast furnace beside him, the air in the cabin had grown cold. Grudgingly, he forced himself out of the bed, tucking the comforter around her.

Sinjin peered out the window on his way to the bathroom. The snow was already as high as the top of the porch steps and still coming down heavily. Rubbing his hands together, he glanced back at Breanna. “Yeah, baby, we’re gonna be here a while.”

There was just enough light coming through the frosted glass to see inside the medicine cabinet. Luckily, he’d left a toothbrush and some other toiletries behind the last time he was here. When was that? Mid-October, maybe. Brushing his teeth in frigid water reminded him to turn on the propane heater so his little princess could have a bath. She’d like that.

“Heh.” I’d like that.

Throwing more wood on the fire, he built it up again. Their clothes were nowhere close to being dry, but the cabin would be toasty in no time. They weren’t necessary anyway, and besides, he wanted to keep her naked.

His stomach grumbled. That soup last night didn’t do shit to satisfy his hunger. Sinjin put some water on the stove to boil and looked through the cabinets once more, now that there was some light, faint though it was, coming through the windows. A dusty bottle of bourbon sat hidden in the corner. He added it and a sleeve of saltine crackers to their meager stash of provisions.

She’d pushed the covers off, exposing herself to the waist. Leaning back against the rough-hewn counter, Sinjin gazed upon her small, pink-tipped breasts. Nipples stiff peaks in the chilly air. They pleased him. A handful was enough. He’d never been a fan of big, jiggly tits—especially fake ones. Those hardened points, just begging to be sucked on, made his dick hard.

Fate was most definitely on his side. Running into Breanna at Hank’s. Finding her on the mountain.

She was his for the taking.

And take her, I will.

Maybe he could figure out a way to keep her.

But for now, he’d wake her up with a cup of coffee. Feed her some oatmeal for breakfast. Give her a good, hard fucking.

Sinjin opened the tin, the aromatic grounds making his mouth water. Nothing beats making coffee the old-fashioned way, over a campfire or on a stove. Figuring she’d like hers sweet, he added plenty of sugar and powdered creamer to one mug.

Breanna was shivering by the time he made it over to the bed with their coffee. Setting it on the nightstand, Sinjin climbed in beside her and pulled the blankets back up to her chin. Rubbing her arm, goosebumps prickled the flesh beneath his fingers, her skin hot to the touch.

Mindful of the bump on her forehead, he checked her temperature using the back of his hand and attempted to rouse her. “Breanna.”

She mumbled incoherently, but did not wake.

Returning to the bathroom, Sinjin rifled through the medicine cabinet. He found a packet of BC Powder. Great for a hangover. It was aspirin and caffeine, so it should work to reduce a fever too.

Positioning her on his lap, he cradled her in one arm and poured the powder into her mouth where it would dissolve on her tongue. She sputtered and grimaced. Nasty stuff. It was a bitter taste Sinjin knew all too well.

“Drink.” He held a glass of water to her lips. “You’re burning up, princess.”

She managed to get a few sips down before sinking back against his chest.

He held her. Combing his fingers through her messy, damp hair, tracing them over her skin, Sinjin waited for the medicine to take effect. He watched her breathe through parted lips, the rise and fall of her chest. Her pink-hued nipples.

His thumbs swept over them. They beaded at his touch. He touched her there again. Lightly rubbing with the pads of his fingers. Up. Down. Up. Down. Her jaw going slack, soft whimpers eked out of her throat.

“Very nice.” He pinched them and she mewled. “That’s better.”

Holding her little tits, he squeezed the swells of supple flesh. He watched the pink buds blossom and swell. Pinching, rolling, and flicking them until he succumbed to his desire and leaned over to suck one into his mouth.

One small bite.

Hips thrashing on his lap, Breanna pressed her ass into his achy dick. Hot sweetness dripped from her pussy to his skin. “Want me to fuck that fever right out of you?”

He pressed a finger between her bare lips. She was soaked. “Fuck, yeah, I know you do.”