“Of course,” he asserted, taking a sip of whiskey. “And since you’re Valerie’s only blood relative, she named you Executor and sole beneficiary—less the estate debt and asset distribution, of course.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“Taxes. Sorry, the government gets its share.” Turning toward her in his seat, Derek rested his hands on her shoulders. “Look, when all is said and done, you’re going to have a million bucks to put in your bank account. That’s a delightful addition to the trust fund your father set up for you, isn’t it?”
Trust fund?
Breanna pulled away from him. “What?”
“I assumed you knew.” He pressed his lips together, then audibly expelled a breath. “When Shane died…well, all of his assets became yours.”
“I know nothing of this.” Stunned, she slowly shook her head. “And what assets? He was only twenty-two.”
“It was a substantial amount. Valerie and your mother jointly controlled it on your behalf.”
Her jaw dropped. Literally. This was just too much to process.
“I’m sorry.” Stroking her hair, Derek tipped his chin. “Let’s get this done and go for that walk, shall we?”
Durable Power of Attorney. IRS forms. Letter of Testamentary. Distribution of assets. Transfer documents.
Breanna put the pen down. “I’d like to read these first. Have someone look them over.”
“My stepdad. A lawyer.”
“I am a lawyer,” he reminded her.
“Right.” Biting her lip, she nodded. “Yes, I know, but you’re my grandmother’s lawyer.”
“And now I’m yours,” he said, his hand on her cheek. “Don’t you trust me?”
“Be careful. When you get to Dalton House. Just be careful.”
Yes. No. I don’t know.
“It’s not that. I’d just like to read them.” Breanna placed her hand on top of his. “And I want to see my grandmother’s will. I need to know I’m doing everything right. Like she wanted.”
“Of course you do, sweetheart.” His thumb moved over her skin. “There’s no need to rush. These are only the signature pages. The full documents are back in my office, along with Valerie’s will. I’ll email everything to you on Friday. You can read them, and Mr. Maynard will be here, should you have any questions.”
“Okay.” She nodded.
“Now, how about we take that walk?”
In her room that evening, her mind spinning, Breanna stared into the crackling fire. She had no good reason not to trust Derek. Her grandmother must have, and he’d been nothing but kind to her, so why did she have this nagging feeling something wasn’t right?
“Be careful.”
In the black void outside her window, a wolf howled its warning.
“I will be,” she whispered to the flames. “I will.”
The guests wouldn’t start to arrive for another few hours. Then, all afternoon, the doors to Dalton House would be open for people to come and go as they wished. An array of food. Plenty of liquor. Some people stayed the entire four hours, while some stopped by on their way to other holiday obligations. After the emigrants made it through that first year, George Dalton gathered everyone together to give thanks and the annual tradition continued to this day.
“It’s all about fellowship and community,” Derek had explained on their walk yesterday.