Page 46 of The Third Son

“We’re family, Arien.” He pulled her in for a hug. “What is it?”

“Are you hoping the baby’s a boy?” She felt silly asking, so she didn’t look at him when she said it.

Matthew lifted her chin with his finger. “The only thing that matters to me is makin’ sure Jennifer and this baby, he or she, are happy, healthy, and loved.”

“Okay, good.” She nodded.

“You know, you’ll always be our girl.” He stroked her cheek. “What’s this really about, honey?”

“Jake told me having a third boy would be lucky, so…”

“You figured I was hoping for one?”

Mumbo jumbo. God, I’m stupid.


“What else did Jake tell you?”

“Everything, I think.” Turning away, Arien picked up the dish in the sink. “You really believe all that stuff?”

Standing right behind her, his hands kneaded her shoulders. “I do.”

“Then considering what happened before, you must want the baby to be a boy.”

“Christ, Arien.” Gripping her arms, her stepfather turned her back around. “Yes, I can admit it. Just the thought of losing Jennifer, like I lost Heather and Amanda, scares the shit outta me. I can’t go through that again. But your mama reassured me. She’s not them, and she’s seein’ the doctor in Dubois instead of the midwife here, so there’s nothin’ to fear.”

“Even though your marriage is traditional?”

“Heh,” he blew out, giving a quick shake of his head. “Jake did tell you everything, didn’t he?”

“John Jacoby mentioned it at Thanksgiving, too. Didn’t make sense to me at the time.”

“Don’t you worry about it.” His arms around her felt rather nice. “You, your mama…our family is all that matters, okay?”


“My beautiful Arien.” Hugging her tight, Matthew kissed the top of her head. “I love you.”

Growing up without a dad or a grandpa, she’d never heard those words from a man before. That had to be the reason tears sprang in her eyes. She hugged him back.

“And so do your brothers.” Maybe. Just a little. “They’re good to you, ain’t they?”

Don’t you dare cry, Arien.


“You come to me if they’re ever not, ya hear?”

She failed. Tears rolled down her face.

“Shhh…don’t cry, darlin’ girl.” Wiping her eyes, he pressed his lips to her forehead. “We’re always gonna take care of you.”

This. It was the feeling she’d been missing all her life.

Getting up on her tiptoes to reach his cheek, Arien kissed him.

I love you too, Daddy.