Page 22 of The Third Son

“Uncle Matty didn’t mean for it to go down like that, you know,” Emily started chattering once they turned onto the highway. “He and the boys—your mama too—have been frettin’ over how to tell you. That’s why they had me invite Jake over. He’s really good at explaining things. I’m sure you’ve got lots of questions, though.”

She did, although she was almost afraid to hear the answers. “I don’t even know where to start.”

“Just ask me whatever comes to mind. We can go from there.”

“Is this some kind of kooky religion you’re in?” Chewing on the side of her thumb, Arien turned in her seat. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said it like that, but all I can think of is that Keep Sweet documentary I saw on Netflix.”

“God, no. I read about them—horrible. Very disturbing. I wouldn’t even call that fundamentalist group a religion, though people use God and the Bible to commit all sorts of atrocities, don’t they?” Biting her lip, Emily paused for a moment, then reached over the console for Arien’s hand. “I know the trinity would sound strange to most outsiders—fucked up, as you said. But is it, really? Three people who choose to share a life together, to love each other—I don’t think so. It only seems that way because it’s not traditional to you, but it is for us. Anyway, to answer your question, no religion. Some folks go to church in Dubois, but you won’t find one in Brookside.”

“So, no cult then, either.”

Emily snorted. “There’s no leader here. No shaman. We’re a community where everyone has an equal voice. Share the work, share the wealth.”

“That’s pretty much what Kellan and Tanner said. Secret society?”

“We don’t hide our existence, you know.”

Right, just the extra spouse.

“I don’t understand.” Arien rubbed her head. “What is it then?”

“An ideology. A way of life that works for us, and has for almost two hundred years. We’re kind of superstitious about it, honestly.” Emily squeezed her hand, then let it go. “Jake can explain it better than I can. He’s like the community historian. Many generations ago, his great-grandfather, Levi Gantry, and the two sisters he married, were at the origin of it all.”

They reached the end of the highway, the Tetons just ahead. Thirty miles to the north lie Yellowstone. Emily turned south toward Jackson, while Arien’s thoughts seemed to be going in a million different directions. She still wasn’t sure what to make of everything.

“So, your mom has two husbands?”

“Had. She’s a widow now.” Emily’s breath released in a sigh. “My fathers were both killed on duty in Afghanistan when I was three.”

Jesus. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

And now she felt like shit for even asking. Of all the things her stepbrothers failed to mention. Then again, they’d forgotten to mention a lot of things, hadn’t they? God only knows what else they hadn’t told her.

“Thanks. I don’t remember them very much, and what I do is probably from photos and videos we have.” Emily glanced at her with a shrug. “I get little flashes sometimes, you know?”

Rubbing her lips together, Arien nodded. “You’re really going to marry Billy and Jake?”

“Hell yes, and I cannot wait.” Fingers squeezing the steering wheel, she lit up. Her exuberance so obvious. “I’m so happy, sometimes I think I’m dying because I love them so much.”

“How do you know?”

“You just do. In a single moment. Months and years of small gestures. You want to share even the most insignificant things about your day with them and you want to know theirs too. They’re always in your thoughts. I know that might sound dumb, but it’s true.” Her giggle melting into a dreamy sigh, Emily asked her, “Haven’t you ever been in love?”


Innocent crushes, yes. Infatuation. But she’d never been so consumed it felt like she was dying. Arien couldn’t begin to imagine what that might feel like.

“When it happens, trust me, you’ll know.”

Tanner and Kellan came to mind, although she couldn’t say exactly why. “And you love them both the same?”

“Not the same—they’re two different people, you know? But equally.”

“Not sure I get it, but I’m gonna have to take your word for it. You sound so sure…”

“I am absolutely sure, Arien, with everything in me. I love Billy and Jake, mind, heart, and soul. The trinity is sacred, and it’s for life—beginning, middle, end—remember?”

“Yeah.” Arien sniggered. Sounded like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to her, but who was she to judge? “I still think y’all are crazy, but you do you, boo.”