Page 9 of The Third Son

Arien leaving here sure wasn’t a part of his.

“A lot can happen in nine months, Kel.”

It could. But until he trusted her to stay, maybe it was best he didn’t let himself get too close to her.

Glancing at the clock on the microwave, Kellan drained his cup. Tanner told her to be ready at nine, and it was five minutes past, dammit. Inconsiderate. Did she think he was going to wait around for her to grace him with her presence? Arien needed to learn everyone else’s time was just as valuable as hers.

Tapping his fingers on the granite, he debated whether he was going to pour himself a third cup of coffee or just go on without her, when she strolled into the kitchen like she had all the time in the world. “Morning.”

“Don’t like bein’ kept waitin’, Arien. You’re late.”

“Am not.” She reached for a mug. “It’s only quarter after.”

“You want some of that, you’re drinking it on the way.” He slammed a Thermos next to her on the counter. “Tanner’s in the barn already, and you and me? We’re gonna have us a little riding lesson first.”

“Lesson?” Arien scurried out the door after him. “How hard can riding a horse be?”

“You think you just hop on and yell ‘giddy-up’?” Glancing over his shoulder at her, Kellan scoffed, “We’ve got half a million acres here, girly. Ain’t taking a walk through the woods.”

“Jeez.” Hooking her arm through his, she caught up to him. “I guess someone’s not a morning person.”

Trust me, baby cakes, one day you’re gonna find out.

“I’ll have you know I’ve been workin’ since five, Sleeping Beauty.” He stopped cold, scanning her from head to toe. Blonde hair twisted into one of those fancy braids down her back, loose strands blowing in her face. Cable-knit sweater beneath her jacket. Faded jeans and a pair of old sneakers. “Where’s your damn boots?”

Arien stared down at the well-worn Ariats on his feet. “Sorry, I don’t have any like those, and I’m not ruining a cute pair. I mean, what if I step in horse shit?”

“C’mon.” Laughing, he grabbed her by the hand and led her to the paddock where Gunner waited for them.

Kellan whistled and the horse trotted over.

She tipped her head back, staring up at the majestic Friesian. “You expect me to get on that?”

“Yup,” he replied, rubbing the horse’s muzzle. “Meet Gunner.”

“He’s beautiful.” Arien tentatively reached her hand out to touch him. “And big.”

“Almost seventeen hands.” Kellan gave her an apple. “Go on. Make friends.”

Taking a step back, he watched his horse gently take the offering from her palm, an astonished giggle bubbling up from her throat. Gunner chomped on his treat. Timidly, Arien gave him a pat. “Hey there, boy.”

“See? Nothin’ to be scared of.” Kellan stroked the animal’s flank. “C’mon now, up you go.”

“Not scared,” she shrieked as he gave her a boost up onto the horse.

“Coulda fooled me.” He chuckled to himself. “Take your foot out of that stirrup and hold on.”

Kellan swung into the saddle behind Arien, pulling her snug against him. “There. Now, sit back in the saddle and kinda slouch that cute little butt of yours.” He took the reins. “First thing, always loop your reins over the horse. This way, if you drop ’em, they won’t fall to the ground.”

She did it exactly as he showed her. “Like this?”

“Just like that,” he said, and giving Gunner a nudge, the horse moved forward. “Let your lower body move with the horse while you keep the upper half still.”

Kinda like fucking.

“Got it.”

“Thattagirl.” He looped an arm around her waist.