Page 92 of Maelstrom

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” Kelly pulled three black dresses out of her closet and threw them on top of her bed. For someone who was bitching about going, she sure was putting an awful lot of effort into getting ready.

“I didn’t talk you into anything,” Katie reminded her, and she snickered. “You must really want to kiss Dillon.”

Holding a dress to her body in front of the floor-length mirror, Kelly glowered, her deep-blue eyes shooting daggers. “No, I really, really don’t.”

Katie shrugged. “If you say so.”

“I say so.” Kelly stepped into the dress. “He’s a gorgeous man, but since he owns a penis I’m going to pass.”

“Maybe you should try one.”

“What makes you think I haven’t?”

Nope. Not going there.

Kelly adjusted her breasts inside the dress. It had a plunging V neckline and spaghetti straps. Black and slinky, just as Dillon requested. Katie opted for a sparkly rose-gold surplice wrap, ruched-front bodycon dress. Short. Long sleeves. Daring low-cut neckline. The sequins were itchy, but she had to admit it looked hella good on her.

“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes and turned to leave her aunt’s room. “You almost ready? Because the car is going to be here for us any minute.”

“We could have walked. It’s only a block, you know.”

Katie swung back around. “Brendan wants to make sure we’re safe. He’s thoughtful like that.”

Not to mention it was fucking cold and who wants to walk on an icy sidewalk in six-inch heels? No, thanks. Kelly didn’t think of that, did she? Brendan did.

The town car pulled up to the Red Door. Brendan stood waiting for them. No coat. He opened the door and assisted Kelly out first, then his hand reached for hers and Katie was in the shelter of his arms. If there was a better feeling than that, she’d yet to find it.

They bypassed the velvet ropes and crossed the threshold. This time, Katie looked her fill. The lobby, which wasn’t quite the right word for the space, was magnificent. It was a cavernous two-story area where members checked in and met up. Sumptuous sofas of deep plum, rich mahogany wood, exposed brick, and crystal chandeliers.

Champagne was being served. Everyone had a flute in hand as they hugged and conversed and milled about. No masks tonight. No costumes. The people here were dressed to kill. To seduce. Sleek. Chic. Louboutin and Armani. Black, once again, the predominant color. Katie stood out from the rest, sparkling in rose gold.

She recognized the mountain of a man who canvassed the room from where he stood near the check-in desk. What was his name? Axel. With his hand on the small of her back, Brendan guided them toward him and took their coats.

“Axel, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Katelyn, and her lovely aunt, Kelly.” He winked, passing off their coats to an attendant.

He did one of those chin-tip nods, the movement almost imperceptible if you weren’t paying attention. “Miss Katelyn. Miss Kelly.”

She looked at her aunt, feigning nonchalance as her gaze flitted all over the place. Katie knew the feeling. The Red Door was out of this world. It was a lot to take in.

Brendan led them out of the lobby and down the wide passageway where Kyan had backed her into the wall to the obscure stairway that would take them to the VIP space, to a bright new year.

Like a rerun of Halloween, Dillon and Kodiak flanked the private bar. The Venery boys, sans Taylor, loitered on the U-shaped silk sofa. Katie waved to Matt. Bo and Matt returned her greeting.

She looked up to Brendan. “Where’s Chloe?”

“Today is their first wedding anniversary, sweetheart.” Katie loved how his eyes twinkled gazing down at her. “She, Taylor, and Jesse are celebrating on their own.” He winked. “Linnea and Kyan should be here soon, though.”

Brendan softly ran his fingers through her hair. He was always touching it, like it soothed him somehow. She loved that.

Dillon came over from the bar with glasses of champagne. Looking at Kelly, Katie took a sip, daring her to say anything. She pursed her lips, but remained silent.

“Me likey,” Dillon announced, surveying her aunt’s sexy black dress.

“I’m going to show Katelyn around.” Brendan kissed her temple and possessively wrapped his arm around her waist. “C’mon.”

They left the VIP space. Brendan stopped and pulled her into a hidden corner. His hand grasped her neck and he leaned down to kiss her. Softly at first, inciting the butterflies in her belly, the pulse between her legs, with every sweep of his tongue. Fingers trailed up the back of her thigh and he lifted her up, deepening their kiss.

He paused to catch a breath. “I wanted to get you alone so I could kiss you hello without your aunt watching.”