Page 78 of Maelstrom

Brendan took her hands. “Climb on top of me.”

She seated herself on his thighs, facing him.

“Good girl. Hug me like a koala does a tree and cross your legs behind my back.”

Katie did as he asked. Her arms came around his back, and his held her. They were nose to nose, chest to chest. She gazed into his diamond eyes. He stared into hers.

“Breathe with me, Katelyn.” He inhaled deeply and then exhaled. “Yab-yum.”

She didn’t know what that meant, but synchronized her breathing with his, connecting with his energy. It flowed into her like an electrical current.

His forehead touched hers, fingertips lightly skated up and down her back. “The full embrace in tantra.”

They stayed like that for a time. She wasn’t sure how long. Staring into each other’s eyes. Breathing together. Lightly touching. Was there anything more intimate than this? The feeling started at the base of her spine, and like a coiled snake awakened from its slumber, slowly traveled upward. Katie didn’t think. She just let herself feel it.

Never taking her eyes off his, she reached beneath her and notched him to her entrance. He slowly pushed all the way inside her. Katie gasped at the welcome invasion. Cried out at the stretch of already-tender tissue.

“That’s it, baby.” He kissed her lips. “Now rock back and forth.”

Katie set the pace. Brendan didn’t move. He sat solid, holding her, supporting her as the energy danced between them, overtaking her. With each rock of her hips, the barbell grazed her clit and carried her away.

She was flying.


The floodgates opened and she surrendered all of herself to him.

Her eyes closed then, head tipped back.

She exhaled with a stuttered sob and laid her wet cheek on his shoulder. Brendan held her steady. What the fuck just happened?

Divine bliss.

What else could it be?

Brendan smoothed her hair from her face, combing it with his fingers. Katie took a deep cleansing breath and lifted her head from his shoulder, gazing into his beautiful blue eyes. His forehead touched hers and he softly kissed her.

“Good morning, my sweet girl.”

Katie smiled.

Good morning, indeed.

“Shall I make us some breakfast?” She went to get up from his lap, but her flexors were tight and she couldn’t move. “You told Jesse we have plans today.”

“We do.” He rubbed the tops of her thighs and winked. “Right here. All weekend.”

She was on board with that.

Brendan gently straightened her legs and got out of bed. “And I’ll make breakfast.”

He made them French toast and sausage. Katie made the coffee.

Afterward, they curled up together under a blanket on the soft leather sofa. Brendan picked up the remote and flicked on the TV.

Miracle on 34th Street.

Katie noticed a box from the basement they hadn’t opened sitting on the floor beside the tree.