Page 60 of Maelstrom


When Katelyn was ready, he would know.

And the reward would be even sweeter.

Their kiss ended, both of them gasping for air. She held onto his shoulders and he helped her down from the island. Katelyn took off her coat and sat down in the family room. She reached for the remote.

“Are we watching the game?” She turned on the TV.

Yeah, she was fucking perfect.

It was a bye week, though, so there was no game he cared to watch today. Brendan sat against the arm of the sofa and positioned her between his legs, her back reclining on his chest. It felt nice.

She said it out of the blue. “She knew.”

“Hm, what?”

Katelyn turned on his chest to look at him. “Salena must have overheard me and Chloe. She acted like she didn’t know who Chloe or Linnea were, but she knew.”

“Oh, she knows who they are all right.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “What did she overhear?”

“Um…Linnea and Kyan got married…”

He chuckled. “That would do it.”

“…and Chloe told me to text you back.”

Brendan smiled. “Of course she did.” He brushed his fingers across her cheek.

“She knew they didn’t need that invite. She wanted me to show up at the ball, didn’t she?”

“Seems that way. Explains a helluva lot.”


“To send me a message.”

Katelyn turned all the way over and straddled him. “Does she want you back? Is that it?”

He would have laughed if she weren’t so serious. “What? No, we were never together like that.”

“But you had sex with her.”

Brendan was reminded that Katelyn was only eighteen—and innocent. It didn’t matter how many books she’d read, or movies she’d watched, or stories she’d heard from girlfriends in the bathroom at school, sex was still an abstract concept to Katelyn.

“Everybody had sex with her. I’ve had a lot of sex with a lot of people, and that’s all it ever was. Fucking and making love are two very different things.”

Not that he had any experience with the latter. That would be a first for him too.

He soothingly stroked her arms and her hair. “Baby, I’ve never, and I mean never, been in a relationship with anyone before you. I told you, this is a first for me. Salena has never been in my home or in my bed. No woman has. Ever. Until you.”

Her eyes darted, as if searching his for an answer, then she softly asked him, “How? How are they different?”

“The mechanics are the same, but fucking is purely physical. The only goal is pleasure. An orgasm. Feelings aren’t necessary.” He exhaled. “On the other hand, it’s impossible to make love without them.”

Her tongue peeked out to wet her lips and she nodded. Her mind was spinning. Brendan could see it.

“What are you thinking, Katelyn?”