Page 34 of Maelstrom

“How come you’re out all by yourself?” That sounded invasively rude. “I mean, where’s the baby?”

Chloe didn’t appear put off in the slightest. “Chandan is at home with his daddies, hopefully still fast asleep.” She smiled.

Katie nodded, surprised and yet not, that Chloe was so open about her child having two fathers. She steamed the milk for her latte, not sure how to respond. Chloe giggled—she did that a lot. “Go ahead and ask me. I can tell you want to.”

“Ask you what?” Katie handed her the coffee.

“Come on.” Chloe tilted her head toward the tables. “Sit with me.”

She followed Chloe to the table in the corner and did just that. They stared at each other for a few minutes while Chloe sipped her latte, then she smiled and said, “You know, the usual questions. Do I know who my son’s father is? What’s it like being with two men? Do you take turns? How can you be married to both of them?”

“People really ask you that?”

“All the time.” She smiled with a shake of her head.

Katie gasped a little. “That’s incredibly rude. I’d have never asked you that.”

“Maybe not.” Chloe shrugged. “You’d always wonder, though, and since we’re going to be friends let’s just get it out of the way, shall we?”

“We’re going to be friends?”

“Well, of course.” She waved her hand in the air as if it were a foregone conclusion.


“Taylor is my son’s biological father, there’s nothing to compare to having two men love you, sometimes, and I’m legally married to Jesse but the three of us committed to each other in front of witnesses. We consider ourselves married to each other and that’s all that matters—to us anyway.” She took a breath and giggled. “Anything else you’d like to know?”

Before she could even think about it the words slipped out of her mouth. “Do you get butterflies?”

“Excuse me?”

Katie felt her cheeks heat. She must sound like an idiot. “You know, in your tummy. Do your, um, husbands give you butterflies?”

“Ohhh.” Chloe grinned and nodded. “Yes, absolutely.”


She kept nodding. “Always.”

Katie pursed her lips and exhaled through her nose. “What if there aren’t any?”

“What do you mean?”

“Butterflies.” She picked at a loose thread on her sleeve. Maybe she did sound like an idiot, but it was too late anyway. “What if you don’t feel them—like when someone kisses you?”

Chloe’s head tilted slightly to the side and a look of understanding washed over her features. The corners of her lips upturned into a small sympathetic smile. She reached for Katie’s fingers that were still picking at her sleeve and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

“Maybe you’re just not catching feelings, you know?” She shrugged. “I read an article about it once…ah, never mind. I wish I knew what else to say, sweetie.”

Sunday came faster than Katie wanted it to. Cameron was picking her up in a few minutes and she was no closer to knowing what she was going to do than she was on Friday after her chat with Chloe.

Her head and her heart remained at war with each other.

She didn’t know where they were going, or what Cameron had planned. He only told her to dress warm. Katie threw a thick, chunky sweater over her long-sleeved tee and swiped on some tinted lip oil. By the time she laced her boots, she heard his soft knock at the door.

He charged at her, hoisting her up into his arms the second she opened it. “I missed my girl.” And he peppered her face with kisses, spinning her around the room.

Katie squealed and he set her down. “How was New Jersey?”