Page 29 of Maelstrom

His dick sure fucking did.

With the thought of pushing his way inside her, he wrapped his fingers around his long, thick length and squeezed. He watched precum ooze from his tip and swirled it around the pierced mushroom head with his thumb, before bringing it to his mouth to taste himself.

He sucked the precum off his thumb, spit into his palm, and lubed his dick with a groan. “Fuck yeah, baby.”

Then he fisted his cock and fucked his hand with a fury.

He was going to ruin that tight untouched pussy for anyone else. Obliterate it.

She was his, dammit.

And he owned that pussy.

Brendan was pounding his hand so hard his ass lifted off the bed. He pinched his nipple and thick ropes of cum shot out of him to land on his abs and chest. He squeezed his dick with an upward stroke until every last drop left his body, rubbing his cum into his skin just like one day he’d rub it into hers.

The truth was, Katelyn owned him. She just didn’t know it yet.

But she would.

Real fucking soon.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

Katie stared at the text on her phone.

Admittedly, she felt somewhat triumphant reading his words, but at the same time she didn’t think she should trust them and she was incensed that he thought he could tell her what, or in this case, what not to do.

‘Don’t be giving some punk what’s mine.’

Pfft. As if…

She scrolled through their texts and read them again. Then she messaged Cameron.

Thirty minutes later she heard his soft knock at the door and got up to let him inside. He stood there, with mussed-up hair and a sleepy smile on his face. Her gaze traveled over him. Dimples, hazel eyes, and gray sweats. Then she took him by the hand and led him to her room.

“Everything all right, Katie?”

Okay, so it was a little out of character for her to text him first. To invite him over before the sun was even up—on a game day no less. What the hell was she doing?

“Yeah, I told you. I couldn’t fall back to sleep so…”

“C’mere.” Cameron pulled her into his arms and his mouth crashed into hers. Fingers tangled in her hair as they fell backward together onto her bed.

Katie could feel his erection press into her bare thigh through his sweats. Her hands skimmed under his shirt and over the warm skin on his back.

“Fuck, Katie.” His pupils were big black saucers.

He knelt between her legs and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor. Then he pulled her up to sit and reached for the hem of her plain cotton cami. She lifted her arms and it landed on top of his shirt. Katie watched his eyes as he took in her nakedness in the muted morning light. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, she crossed her arms over her breasts.

“Don’t.” Cameron pulled her hands away. “You’re beautiful.” His hands swept up her arms. So gentle. He kissed her shoulder. Softly. Her neck. He whispered in her ear, “I want you, Katie Copeland.”

‘What do you want?’


But did he really? Katie was afraid to even let herself believe it. Kelly was right. What would a man like Brendan want her for? She wasn’t falling for it. He was just playing games with her and she sure as shit wasn’t going to be his amusement.

She believed Cameron. Maybe he didn’t give her butterflies, but he’d never given her a reason to doubt him.