Page 27 of Maelstrom

He smirked. “I know.”

Brendan woke with a start. His hands scrubbed across his face and he sat up, pushing the sweat-soaked hair out of his eyes. The blinds were shut tight, but even so he could tell the sky was still dark. He tapped the screen on his phone. It wasn’t quite six.

Fucking dreams.

They’d come again. He started having them right after the accident. In the beginning, he had them almost every night, but as time passed they became less frequent. Until lately at least. They weren’t nightmares exactly. The dreams were disturbing more than anything, but they gnawed at him and left him feeling unsettled.

And for a man who craved control, Brendan did not do unsettled.

It always began the same. Dank, suffocating darkness that pulled at him. He might not remember every fucked-up fragment of the dream, but he always remembered that.

This time, his sweet girl appeared as she often did, punching a hole through the pitch black, but she didn’t touch him. She didn’t kiss him. She just stood there, tilting her head from one side to the other as she looked down at him like one would stare at a corpse in a casket, sobbing. Tears streamed down her face and he wanted to reach up to comfort her, but he couldn’t move. Her mournful cries got louder and louder and her tears turned red. She was crying fucking blood and he couldn’t do a goddamn thing to help her. Salena stepped out in front of her then. She just laughed.

Brendan didn’t know what the dreams meant, or if they had any meaning at all. Weren’t dreams just the mind’s way of sorting through all the fucked-up thoughts and feelings stored in your subconscious? Maybe he’d ask Monica. Shrinks studied all that hooey shit, didn’t they? Brendan couldn’t shake off the sense of unease he woke up with, though, and the overriding urge to make contact with Katelyn.

Just to make sure she’s okay.

Before he could talk himself out of it, he quickly tapped out a text and hit send.

Brendan: How are you?

He tossed the phone beside him on the bed and tipped his head back against the headboard, not really expecting her to reply. Because why would she? He’d been such a dick. It didn’t matter that his motives were mostly altruistic because she didn’t know that. They needed to talk.

Less than two minutes later, his phone vibrated on the mattress.

Katelyn: It’s six in the morning. How do you think I am?

Not crying blood, apparently. Thank fuck.

Brendan grinned. She didn’t take his shit. He was going to have a fucking helluva lot of fun with this girl.

Brendan: Would I have asked if I knew?

Katelyn: Why are you asking?

Because I miss you. Because you should be here in this bed with me. Going to this wedding with me…

He couldn’t tell her that.

Brendan: Because I woke up thinking about you. And I want to know.

Five long interminable minutes went by before his phone vibrated again.

Katelyn: See me in your dreams, Brendan? LOL I’m fine, except for being woken up way too early on a Saturday.

You’ll learn to like it, baby. Trust me.

He couldn’t tell her that either. But the thought of how he’d like to wake her up seated itself in his mind and Brendan became acutely aware of the morning wood throbbing in his sweats. He reached inside them and gave his dick a firm tug.

Brendan: Carpe diem, sweetheart. You working today?

Katelyn: Yeah. I don’t go in until this afternoon, though, so I could have slept some more.

Was she out last night? Was she still seeing that boy? He wanted to know, but he wasn’t going to ask. If she was, he’d just put an end to it. Never mind that he only had himself to blame that Katelyn started seeing him in the first place.

Brendan: Sleep is overrated. There’s more important things to do.

He squeezed the head of his cock.