Page 127 of Maelstrom

But I’m going to keep her anyway.

“Oh, Hans and Brigitta accepted our offer. They start Monday.”

“Thurner, right? The Austrian D/s couple.”

“Yeah, you still good with the administrative stuff and special events?”

“Definitely.” He couldn’t let the club go completely. The Red Door was his baby. He’d still oversee administrative operations, plan special events, and such. Put in an appearance now and then. Hans and Brigitta came highly recommended. The club would flourish in their hands.

“Congrats, your evenings are your own then.” Dillon winked. “Until the baby comes anyway.”

“You knew too?”

“Nah, we all heard Jesse wrangle it out of Chloe.”

Brendan chuckled at that. It was the first time he recalled laughing in weeks.

“Okay, I’m out.”

“Thanks, Dill.” He hugged his cousin. “For everything.”

“Family, Bren.” He pounded his chest. “It’s what we do.”

One less thing on his plate. Brendan went to bed feeling a little bit lighter, and a little bit closer to making the life he dreamt of a reality. With thoughts of Katelyn, he closed his eyes.

He could see the dark void off in the distance. Like an approaching thunderstorm, it was there. Waiting. Brendan stood in the light, staring at the darkness. Salena walked past. She didn’t see him, at least she didn’t acknowledge him if she did. He watched her go until she disappeared into the dark void ahead.

So long, Sal.

Uncle Charley stood beside him, shaking his head, arms crossed over his chest. “Didn’t I always say that every storm runs out of rain, son?”

“Maya Angelou said that, Charley.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, well, she got it from me.”

“We miss you, old man.”

“Who you calling old?”

He turned his head to reply but no one was there, and he returned to staring at the black void. As if by looking at it, watching it, he could keep it from getting closer. He couldn’t turn his back on it.

Brendan woke in a cold sweat, in the dark, alone in his big bed. Leaning over, he switched on the bedside lamp. It was clear in his mind what he needed to do. He could stand at the edge of darkness or take a step back into the light. He could dream of his future or build one.

Katelyn was his light in the dark.

His future.

Everything he wanted.

He just had to go get her.

The house was far too quiet.

And cold.

Ever since the disastrous dinner with Kim, her mother had hardly spoken, and not just to her, but to anyone. Katie felt bad that her father and brother had to suffer the silent treatment along with her. In a way, the silence was even more deafening, it spoke volumes louder than her incessant chatter ever did.

Katie was sure they still talked about her, they were just a little more discreet about it now, keeping their gossip to when she was out of earshot. Kelly sent her a text to say she was sorry. Kim and Kara said nothing at all.