Page 108 of Maelstrom

“Bren.” She giggled and turned around in his arms.

Barefoot, in leggings and a sweater, her head only came up to his pecs. She kissed the space between them and gazed up at him with those enchanting blue-green eyes of hers and the most beautiful smile a woman could ever give to a man. This girl. His gift.

He kissed the top of her head. She finished assembling the lasagna and put it in the oven while Brendan cleaned up the kitchen and watched her. Ordinary moments.


Taking her hand, he spun Katelyn into his arms. They crashed together. Brendan held her face in his palms and gently, tenderly, so he could savor the taste of her sweet mouth, he kissed her. Their tongues caught up in a slow lovers’ dance. Couldn’t they just stay like this?

Brendan lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him. Another favorite thing. It always brought him back to their first kiss on the eve of midsummer. The night she came crashing into his life and changed it forever. He squeezed his eyes shut.


Blinking, he opened them, and with his lips on hers, carried her to the sofa. Gently, he laid her upon it. Katelyn looked up at him. Brendan stripped off his clothes and stood naked before her. He’d shown her not only his skin, but his soul, and still she loved him. He knew all along he didn’t deserve her, but he loved her anyway. How could he not?

Katelyn pulled the sweater over her head. He peeled the leggings down her thighs. Brendan knelt at her feet. He picked up her right foot and cupped the heel in his palm. Softly, he kissed up the tender sole and sucked her pink polished toes into his mouth. He loved and lavished each one with licks and kisses. Then he held her foot on his erect cock, only to pick up the left and repeat the process all over again.

Brendan kissed the backs of her calves, behind her knees, and the sweet skin inside her thighs. He’d told her once, there was no place on her body he wouldn’t kiss. Wouldn’t touch. And that’s what he intended to do. Love every square inch of her.

He kissed her palms, sucked on her fingers one by one, kissed each wrist and brushed his lips up her arm to her shoulder. He watched the goosebumps rise on her skin. Heard her sighs. Felt her breath hitch.


His fingers swept through her silky wheat waves to cradle her head. Brendan kissed her hair, her eyelids, and each cheek, before settling his lips on hers. Urgently taking her mouth. Swallowing her breath and giving her his. Trailing kisses down her neck, he inhaled her scent so deep into his lungs it would never leave him.

Then he took those gorgeous tits, one in each hand, and squeezed them. He suckled on a nipple, rolling the other between his fingers, listening to her soft whimpers. Her tiny cries urged him to suckle the other. And once she was squirming beneath him, he lifted his head from her breast.

“I love you, Katelyn.”


She reached out to touch him, fingertips trailing down his chest, his abs, and she stopped at the root of his cock.

“I love you, Brendan.”

Then he notched his head inside the pretty pussy he’d ruined for anyone else but him. He held her against his chest and kissed her, pushing his way inside. He told her just how much he loved her with every slow thrust, every caress of her delicate skin. Every breath. Every touch. Every kiss.

Brendan didn’t want this moment to end. He kept the pace of his thrusts unhurried and slow, his movement inside her easy and gentle, to make it last as long as he could. When his dick urged him to fuck faster and harder, he ignored it. Stroking her skin. Kissing her mouth. But ultimately the body wins. He couldn’t hold off any longer and reached between them, rubbing her clit as he thrust, so she could come with him.

Katelyn cried out with her orgasm as he poured himself inside her. He held her after, brushing his fingers through her swollen, wet lips. Pushing his cum inside her. He wished they could’ve made a baby, but he didn’t dare to dream of those things now.

Because what if…

He wasn’t going to think about that today.

Today was for Katelyn.

The what-ifs could wait until tomorrow.

They snuggled on the sofa watching the game, plates of lasagna on their laps. He watched her yell at the players on the field as if they could hear her. He watched her get teary at a sappy commercial with a cute puppy. Ordinary moments. The moments that turn into the most precious memories. He glanced at the framed photos on the shelves.

His phone vibrated on the table. Phil. He answered it. Murphy was on the line with him. He just listened, letting their words register. Brendan didn’t say anything except goodbye and then ended the call.


She was cheering at the TV. Carefree and happy and smiling. He watched her for a minute. That’s all he’d ever wanted her to be.

He couldn’t give her that now.