Page 104 of Maelstrom

Funny thing is, at one time even he thought that it was.

And now, it was the only thing he wanted.

A door opened down the hall. Angelica came out of it, dabbing at her eyes. Dressed conservatively and her face devoid of makeup, Brendan almost didn’t recognize her. A detective patted her shoulder in what looked to be a comforting gesture. She walked past him, without even a remnant of a tear, and smirked.

‘Sal’s my friend.’

Brendan glanced to his lawyer and shook his head. “I think we’re going to be here a while.”

It was another fifteen minutes before they called him in.

The room was small, maybe ten by twelve feet, with a square conference table in the center and a single window covered with cheap slatted blinds. Beige walls. Linoleum tile floor.

An older, overweight man with a shiny bald head sat on one side of the table. Tape recorder in front of him. Brendan hadn’t seen one of those in years. There was probably a camera hidden in here somewhere too. Murphy stood over by the window.

“Have a seat.” The detective who called him in patted a chair directly across from the bald guy with the recorder.

He sat. Phil sat in the chair beside him. The two detectives sat together. Murphy remained standing.

The bald one glanced at Phil and said, “This is a non-custodial interview being conducted for information gathering purposes in relation to the homicide of Miss Salena Dara. I need to advise you that this interview is being recorded.”

Brendan looked up to the ceiling and spotted the camera in the corner. He nodded.

“State your full name, please.”

The guy was reading off a sheet of paper. He didn’t even look at him.

“Brendan James Murray.”

“Date of birth.”

“Four. Twenty. Eighty-eight.”

“And you knew the decedent, Miss Dara?”


“How long did you know her?”

“I met her six years ago. Seven, maybe.”

“And what was the nature of your relationship?”

Brendan looked to Murphy, then to Phil. “She, uh, used to work for me.”

“And where was that?”

The guy still hadn’t looked at him.

“The Red Door.”

“Were you intimately acquainted with Miss Dara?”

Here we go.

Phil interrupted. “Define intimately acquainted.” He placed his hands on the table. “For the record.”

“Did you engage in sexual activity with Miss Dara?”