Page 95 of Maelstrom

Katie turned in Brendan’s arms to see her aunt making out with Dillon and Kodiak. Not just kissing. They were swapping spit. Dillon had his hand under her dress, fondling her breast, while Kodiak palmed the other.

What. The. Fuck!

Kyan and Linnea came over to them then. Hugs and cheek kisses.

One by one, Bo, Kit, and Sloan did the same.

Matt alone stood in front of her. The beautiful, sweet man no woman had ever given a chance. He smiled and opened his arms. Katie stepped into them and hugged him. He leaned in and kissed her lips. It wasn’t more than a friendly New Year’s kiss. He didn’t force his tongue in her mouth or anything, but perhaps his lips stayed on hers a bit longer than they should have. She felt his erection press into her and took a step back.

“Happy New Year, Matt.”

He patted her shoulder and winked. “Happy New Year, Katie.”

Glaring at Matt, Brendan tugged on her hand. He took her over by the bar and held her in a tight embrace, cupping her mound in a way no one else could see.

“This pretty little pussy is mine, sweet girl, all mine. I claimed it. You bled for me and no other cock will ever know what’s mine. Do you understand?”

Was he jealous? Of Matt?


“It’s just you and me, Katelyn. No one else.”

She got up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “You don’t have to be jealous of Matt.”

“You’re a brat. You need a spanking.” He squeezed her shoulders and swatted her bottom.

“Do you want to spank me?”

“Naked across my lap, baby.”

Katie looked up at him and grinned. “Let’s go home.”

“Love is a severe mental illness…”

The psychology professor droned on from the lectern to an auditorium filled with second-semester freshmen. Katie thought she might vomit. Heat was blasting through the vents, making the air dry and breathing difficult. She glanced at the time on her phone.

Fifteen more minutes.

She’d get through it.


“…curable only with time. That’s what the great philosopher Plato said. What say you?”

“Who’d want a cure?”

The professor looked at his seating chart and cleared his throat. “Miss, er, Copeland?”

Oops. I said that out loud, didn’t I?

She looked up. “Yes.”

“Unrequited love. Misplaced love. Abandoned love. Lost love.” He nodded. “There are plenty of reasons people might want to be cured of it. Love, if not returned, can be a very painful condition indeed. If you’ve never felt that pain, trust me, one day you will.”

The bell rang and she was the first one out the door. Sometimes being in the back row had its perks.

Katie walked backward down First Avenue, keeping the brutal January wind off her face when she got off the train. Even with a scarf over her nose and mouth it hurt her lungs to breathe, like tiny little daggers of ice were stabbing at her air sacs. Chloe was already waiting for her inside Beanie’s. The thought of having to go back outside made her wish she could reschedule her appointment with Doctor Torres, but they’d waited six weeks to get this one. And she was just as keen to get rid of the condoms as Brendan was.