Page 70 of Maelstrom

His weeping head touched her lips with every upward thrust. Her tongue darted out to catch a taste of him. She wanted his cum. He wanted to give it to her. This beautiful girl was so fucking his.

“So fucking mine.”

His hand went to her throat.

She pinched her nipples as she held her tits together. Mewling. Licking.

“Fuck,” she cried out. She twisted her nipples and let go. “Gimme.”

Katelyn grabbed ahold of his cock with both hands and sucked it back into her mouth.

She wanted him.

“My sweet girl.”

And with one thrust he gave her what she wanted.

They were cutting through the park, walking along the path through the trees, on their way to the Christmas tree lot. Chloe, Jesse, and Taylor were pushing Chandan in the stroller behind them. Brendan stopped, took her hand, and pointed to a big oak tree. There wasn’t anything special about it, stripped of its leaves, it stood naked with the rest.

“See that tree?”


“This…” Brendan hoisted her up into his arms and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “…is the exact spot where we met.”

“Oh yeah?” She grinned, gazing into his crystal eyes that sparkled like diamonds against the overcast sky. “How can you be sure?”

“That tree.” He leaned in to kiss her lips. “And the bench across from it.”

Katie held onto his neck and laid her head on his shoulder.

You beautiful man.

Chloe and her boys caught up to them. Brendan set her back on her feet and they walked holding hands the rest of the way to the lot. There were rows of freshly cut trees catching snowflakes in their branches. Wreaths and mantelpieces fashioned from boughs were strung all around. The market lights that framed the perimeter were alight even though it was daytime. Katie breathed the smell of spruce and pine deep into her lungs.

Brendan put a paper cup of hot cocoa in her hand and clasped the other in his, lacing their fingers together as they inspected the row of trees, looking for the perfect one to bring home.

“There’s nothing wrong with this one, Jesse,” Taylor insisted from the next row over. “It’s ace.”

Katie glanced at Brendan and giggled.

“See one you like?” he asked her.

“I like them all.” She shrugged. “I don’t know anything about picking out a tree.”

Brendan gave her a sexy smirk. “Well, first you just look at it and see if the trunk is straight.” He ran his fingers down her spine. “If it’s full and lush, it’s shape pleasing to the eye.” His hands skimmed down her arms. “Perfect.”

“Brendan.” She felt her cheeks heating in spite of the cold.

“Then you check to make sure it’s fresh.” He kissed her. “Yeah, I got the best one right here.”

Katie bit her lip, her insides turning to goo.

He stepped back and surveyed the tree in front of them. He shook a couple branches on the nine-foot fir and inspected the cut edge of the trunk, then he looked at her. “This one?”

She nodded.

Brendan picked her up and spun her around, kissing her.