Page 65 of Maelstrom

Chloe made her I-told-you-so face and grinned. “Maybe you and Katie would like to come with us the day after to get a Christmas tree? It’ll be fun.”

Brendan hadn’t bothered with any of that in years. No reason to. He had one now.

“Yeah, I think she’d really love that.”

Who was he kidding? He’d really love that. Because he’d get to do it with Katelyn. And she was his reason for everything.

Brendan kissed Chandan’s soft baby curls and handed him to his mother. “Time for Uncle B to go.” He kissed Chloe on the cheek and hugged her tight. “We’ll be here in time for kickoff.”

He started for the door and then winked over his shoulder. “And thanks.”

There was a crowd at the counter when Brendan walked into Beanie’s. Leo had his hair back in an Ariana Grande ponytail, rocking a cheetah-print scarf, taking orders at the counter. He didn’t know this guy’s story yet, but he got a good vibe from him.

“You have this look on your face like you just kicked a puppy.”

“I’m sorry, Cam. I…”

“It’s okay, babe. We’re still friends.”

Don’t even try it, frat boy.

Brendan winked at Katelyn. Leo coughed behind his hand. Kelly chose the perfect moment to come out from the back.

“Brendan’s here for you, KK.” He figured Kelly said it more as a warning for the boy at the counter. “I’ve got it.”

The boy turned around then. Brendan actually almost felt sorry for him. He’d seen that look before. He did look like a sad, lost puppy.

That’s what losing a sweet girl did to you.

And Brendan sure as fuck never wanted to know what that felt like.

“Is that snow?”

Katie craned her neck to see better out the shopfront window. The foot traffic on the sidewalks of First Avenue had dwindled, most of the shops closing early today in preparation for the holiday tomorrow, followed by the busiest shopping day of the year on Friday.

“Looks like it’s starting to.” Kelly joined her at the window. “Why don’t you go ahead and take off.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” Her aunt hugged her. “It’s slow. Leo and I can close up. Besides, I know you’re itching to get out of here. You’ve been watching the damn clock all day.”


Katie texted Brendan to let him know she was leaving work early. They had a lot to do to get ready for tomorrow and she was so excited to do it with him. She’d searched Pinterest for recipes and tablescape ideas. Brendan gave her the login for his shopping app and she ordered everything they needed. Tonight they’d prep and cook. Tomorrow they’d celebrate their first holiday together—with his entire family. Like a Hallmark movie. And yeah, she was kind of nervous about it.

But the best part was, since they both had the entire weekend off, Katelyn was staying with Brendan. At his house. As in sleeping there. In his bed. With him. And yeah, she was kind of nervous about that too.

Brendan texted her that he’d be right there to pick her up. It was only a few blocks. She could have walked, but Brendan always insisted on driving her. Just like he opened doors, and held her hand, and always walked on the street side when they were together.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” She kissed Kelly on the cheek.

“Two o’clock?”

“Two o’clock, Auntie.”

“I would tell you not to have too much fun, but I think that ship has already sailed,” Kelly sighed. “And I told you to stop calling me that.”

“Never.” Katie giggled. “And you can’t ever have too much fun, can you?” She winked, not bothering to inform her they hadn’t had too much fun. Yet. Let Kelly think what she wanted.