Page 25 of Maelstrom

“I see.”

She thought she did, but her aunt really had no idea.

Kelly wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. Katie fought the burn building behind her eyes.

“Cam is better for you anyway, honey,” Kelly murmured as she smoothed the hair down her back. “Brendan’s got to be in his thirties—way too old.”

“That’s what he said.” She sounded pathetic, even to herself.

“He’s a nice guy, but I don’t think he’s suitable boyfriend material for you…or anyone else for that matter.” She gave her shoulders another squeeze. “Not to mention, he’s way out of your league and way too experienced.”

Katie turned her head. “What do you mean?”

“That club they own by Charley’s, the Red Door—it’s a sex club.” And as if she needed to drive her point home, she added, “Brendan runs it.”


Katie didn’t hear a word Kelly said after that. She didn’t hear anything at all, even the jumble of thoughts swirling around in her head were nonsensical, until the bell on the door jingled. That made her look up.


Shit, shit, shit!

She’d forgotten.

He came toward her with that gorgeous smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Then he leaned over the counter to kiss her cheek. “Hey, baby. I ordered pizza for us.”

When she texted him back earlier they’d made plans to hang out and watch movies together after she finished working.

Kelly stood there gushing. “Go on, you two. I’ll close up. I’m heading out from here anyway.”

Katie took him by the hand and led him through the back and up the stairs. As she reached up inside the kitchen cabinet to get a vase for the flowers, two strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. Warm lips grazed across her skin. She turned in his arms and those lips found her mouth. They kissed right there in the kitchen, her body wedged between the hard edge of the counter and the hard bulge in his jeans, until the doorbell rang.

“Pizza’s here.” He went to get the door.

‘Cam is better for you…’

Kelly was probably right about that, and yet…

‘What do you want?’


Katie brought her fingers to her lips that were swollen from Cameron’s kisses. Brendan had kissed her too, though, and she couldn’t help but wonder what else he’d wanted to say to her this afternoon in the alley.

If she’d given him the chance.

But she hadn’t.

And now it was too late.

A sense of nostalgia gripped him. Brendan leaned against the railing on the back deck and gazed at the expansive lawn behind the house to the water just beyond it. Looking out at the tranquil lake never failed to evoke wistful childhood memories of the weekends spent here with his cousins.

He could see the four of them trampling through the grass, kicking at the crisp autumn leaves as they skittered by in the wind. Jesse holding onto Kyan’s hand so he wouldn’t fall behind. The earthy, heady scent of wood smoke. Roasting marshmallows. He could hear the raucous laughter of young boys.

Then he blinked and it was gone.

The bang of a hammer striking wood diverted his gaze. Workers erected a simple log arch amongst the towering oaks and lined up chairs on either side of a leaf-strewn path. Lights were being hung and strung across branches in accordance with Linnea’s written specifications.