Page 133 of Maelstrom

He quickly swiped beneath his eyes and nodded. “I do too.”

“After that baby comes, I want all four of you boys to take a trip to Ireland. You hear me? Maybe next summer?”

“Yes, Aintín.” He wasn’t going to tell her no.

It was a nice little shindig in spite of Kristie and her sisters, hovering in a corner, whispering and ogling the Venery boys like a gaggle of teenaged groupies. Brendan actually found that rather amusing. Katelyn sat nestled between his thighs. Little bean kicked beneath his hands that rubbed slow circles on her belly. He kissed her neck. He couldn’t wait to marry her.

Her mother left the gaggle and came over then. “Let’s go, Katie. It’s almost midnight.” Then she flicked her eyes to him. “Kiss her goodbye now. You’ll see her at the wedding tomorrow.”

Is she fucking serious?

He chuckled. “We live in the same house, Kristie.”

She smirked. “You’re staying here tonight.”

Superstitious nonsense. Katelyn giggled.

Brendan scooped her up and set her on the table. He moved to stand between her thighs and took her face in his palms, skimming her soft cheeks with his thumbs. Slowly, he lowered his lips to hers and kissed Katelyn Copeland for the very last time. She’d be Katelyn Murray when he kissed her again tomorrow.

“Goodnight, sweet girl.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you.”

As soon as Katelyn and her parents left, Chloe took the vacant seat beside him. She was grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve just got to say this. I told you so.”

She did. He didn’t believe her then, but she’d been right.

Shut up, Chloe.

You shut up, Brendan.


He didn’t think he’d be able to sleep without Katelyn in Chloe’s guest bedroom, but he woke up the morning of the wedding feeling fucking fantastic. Brendan looked out the second-story window into his backyard below. A crew of workers had already begun transforming it for the reception later.

“It’s a beautiful fucking day,” he shouted as he came down the stairs.

Jesse was flipping pancakes. Taylor was feeding Chandan his breakfast, more like he was wearing it. Brendan snickered.

“Laugh now, mate.” He wiped oatmeal off his chest. “Your turn’s coming.”

“Where’s Chloe?”

“Your house.” His cousin put a plate in front of him. “She left us with instructions to keep you occupied until it’s time.” He grinned. “You’re ours for the next six hours, so eat up.”

It all kind of buzzed by in a blur. One minute he was eating pancakes in Jesse’s kitchen and the next he was walking that familiar trail through the park. An arch had been constructed in front of the tree that marked the spot where he’d met her one year ago this very day. It was constructed of oak logs and branches, decorated with greens and fresh flowers in shades of cream and blush and burgundy. Bohemian and whimsical. A crystal chandelier hung from its center.

The only remaining bachelor, and the second eldest of the cousins, Dillon stood at his side with Monica. Brendan fidgeted, not because he was nervous, but because he couldn’t wait to see her. Chloe waved to him from the front row, baby Chandan imitating his mother from where he sat on her lap. Brendan waved back.

Kevin came down the walkway with Kristie and sat beside his mother. He winked at Brendan. That was the signal apparently. Taylor and Matt began to play. He couldn’t tell you what song it was. He’d never heard it before.

Kelly appeared first in some slinky satin number. Dillon apparently liked it because he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her, or rather her cleavage. He elbowed his cousin in his side and Katelyn’s aunt took her place across from them. Then he took in a deep breath.

This is it.

The moment he’d never dared to dream of was here. It was almost surreal. She was walking on the arm of her father to him, and he’d never seen her look more beautiful. Layers of champagne chiffon, off the shoulders and cut low in the front. She carried her flowers out in front of her belly. Her aqua eyes on him. His on her. She was crying. He was too. Brendan couldn’t imagine loving her any more than he did right then, but he knew he’d love her even more tomorrow.

Her father kissed her and took his seat. Kelly took her flowers and Brendan took her hands. “I love you,” he whispered, squeezing them.

“I love you too.”