Page 129 of Maelstrom

She shrugged and wrinkled her nose. “Well, he got to watch me puke lasagna in the snow.”

He hugged her. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.” His hand left her back to touch her belly, slowly rubbing back and forth. She could have sworn she saw a sheen in his blue, blue eyes. “When?”

“August.” She smiled.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He was still rubbing her belly.

“I was going to and then…” She shrugged. “Kevin was actually taking me to the city to see you tomorrow.”

“I wish I had known.” Brendan looked both awestruck and disappointed at the same time. Disappointed in what, though? Himself? Or her?

“Why? Would it have changed anything?”

“Yes, of course it would have.”

Hearing that struck a chord in her. Would knowing there was a baby have made her worth keeping?

“It shouldn’t make a difference,” she implored. “I was capable of being there for you, standing by your side, pregnant or not, but I wasn’t given the choice.”

Brendan looked right at her, apology etched into his face. “You’re right. My only excuse is I wasn’t thinking clearly, but you know I was only trying to protect you.”

She knew that to be true. Katie never doubted for one moment that he loved her, but he was wrong to make decisions like that without letting her be a part of them.

“I know that’s what you thought you were doing, but you hurt me. You had a month to think, but I never heard one word from you in all that time.” Katie wasn’t trying to be accusatory or start an argument, especially when they’d just been reunited, but it was what it was. She wanted him to know how she felt. More than that, she needed to be sure it wouldn’t happen again, because she wouldn’t survive it a second time.

“Every day I picked up my phone to call you, and every day I stopped myself because I didn’t want to hurt you more than I already had. Every. Day.” He gripped her shoulders. She could see it in his eyes. Brendan had suffered too. “I love you, Katelyn, and I’m sorry. But we’re the same, you and me. See, I was capable of being there for you too, only I wasn’t given a choice either. You’ve known we’re expecting a baby for almost two months now and never said a word in all that time.” He paused, rubbing her arms. “I understand, though.”

He was right. God, he was fucking right. She’d been guilty of the same and hadn’t they both suffered enough?

“I’m sorry too.” She straddled his lap and hugged him. “I love you, Brendan.”

“Let’s go home, baby.”

It didn’t take her long to pack her things. She’d only brought one bag with her when she boarded the train that took her away from the city. Katie scribbled out a note and propped it on the counter.

Everything looked different, yet everything was exactly the same. This house was her home now.

Brendan carried her bag upstairs and she unpacked her things, putting them away in drawers left empty for her.

“I’m going to have to go see Kelly. Ask for my job back and I’ve got more stuff to get at the loft.”

Katie turned around and the look on his face could best be described as a sneer. Contemptuous. She was almost afraid to ask what happened with Kelly in her absence. Thinking of that dinner with Kim, she had a pretty good idea.

Nope. Not going there today.

“All of that can wait, sweet girl.” He combed his fingers through her hair. His features relaxed. “But this can’t.”

She was still in his sweatshirt. Brendan lifted it over her head and stared at her standing there in just her bra and leggings. He licked his lips. It wasn’t even one of her pretty lace ones. Just plain white cotton that was a bit too snug because her breasts had gotten larger.


His fingers lightly skimmed her décolletage, leaving goosebumps on her skin. Lowering the straps from her shoulders, he kissed her crown. “I love you.”

With a flick of his fingers he unhooked the clasp and plain white cotton fell to the floor. Brendan knelt in front of her, and cupping a breast in each hand, he kissed and licked the space between. His thumbs brushed over her nipples and she bit her lip at the delicious sensation. She could tell he was holding back, trying to be gentle with her, but after a month without his touch she needed to feel everything.

Katie placed her hands on top of his and squeezed. “And I love you.”

Brendan smirked. “Look at these gorgeous tits.” He pinched her nipples and she whimpered in appreciation. They were even more sensitive now. “Not sure I’m ready to share them, even with my kid.”