Page 123 of Maelstrom

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Brendan was really getting pissed now. He should go.

“Not what you did, you bastard. You ruined her life, just like I told her you would. And I hate you for it.” Kelly choked on her words and began to cry. “She didn’t tell me she was going. She didn’t even say goodbye.”

Why did she have to go and cry? She made him feel like the bad guy here even though he wasn’t.

He took her hand. “Kelly, I’m sorry. I’m going to go get her and bring her home.”

“Leave her alone, Brendan.” She pulled her hand from his grasp.

“Can’t do that.”

Leo nudged her side. “Girl, you gotta tell him.”

“Tell me what?”

“Shush, Leo. If Katie wanted him to know, she’d have told him.”

“Tell me what?” he yelled.

“He has a right to know.” Frat boy finally spoke. Straightening himself, he stood toe to toe in front of Brendan. “Katie’s pregnant.”


Did he hear that right?

The world seemed to stop for a moment and he forgot to breathe. He was vaguely aware of his hands shaking and his eyes burning. A baby? Why didn’t she tell him?

Because he shouldn’t have found out this way.

Those words should have come from her.

It shouldn’t have been like this.

He didn’t need anything else from these people. Katelyn and his baby—God, he was trying to wrap his head around that—were waiting. He had to go.

“You say you love her, yet you let her go,” Frat boy said. “How could you do that? I don’t know. Maybe you thought you had a good reason. Maybe you thought she was better off without you. She probably is,” he added, nodding. “Well, guess what? I love her and I won’t ever let her go. The way I see it, part of loving someone is letting them love you back. Sharing the good and the bad together. You didn’t do that, though, did you?” Frat boy shrugged. “I’ve asked Katie to marry me and I’m taking her to Boston.”

Over my dead fucking body.

“That’s my baby.”

Frat boy smirked. “That’s just genetics.”

Brendan’s fists curled at his sides. It took everything in him not to punch the daylights out of this fucking punk. “That’s my baby and my woman.”

Kelly came out from behind the counter and stepped between them. “You should probably go now, Brendan.” She exhaled a breath. “If you really love her like you say you do, you’ll leave her alone.”

He didn’t remember the walk home. Too many thoughts flooded his mind. How long had she known and kept this from him? Brendan knew the exact moment they made that baby. There was only one possible moment it could have been. On the floor, in a tent made from blankets, under twinkling white lights. And that was more than three months ago.

Admittedly, he didn’t know a whole helluva lot about girls and their periods, except they got one every month or so. He didn’t know shit about pregnancy tests or how any of that worked, but Katelyn went to the doctor for birth control in January. It was the same day as that last awful encounter with Salena and Eric Brantley at Beanie’s.

Katelyn had to have known at least since then. She said they didn’t need to use condoms anymore and he just assumed…why the fuck didn’t she tell him right then? Did she think he’d get mad? That he didn’t want to be a father? What? He’d never given her a reason to think any of those things so he couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation for her to keep it from him.

Brendan was angry. At her. At himself. At Kelly. At that punk kid who had the audacity to think he could just step in, take his girl, and be a father to his child.

Make your own baby, asshole. Get your own girl too.