Page 120 of Maelstrom

That got her to turn around. “Why?”

“I have to talk to Brendan.” Katie was an adult. Why did she feel it necessary to explain herself? “About the baby. And I need to see his face when I tell him.”

“Honey, now why would you want to do that?” Looking upon her with pity, her mother pulled her into a hug. “He’ll just hurt you again.”

“No, he won’t.” It was going to rip her to pieces just to see him. “And you don’t tell someone they’re going to be a father over the phone.”

“You’re going to do what you want anyway,” she sighed. “You always do.”

“It’s the right thing to do, Mom.”

“We’ll go paint shopping another day then.” She shrugged and changed the subject. “Aunt Kim is coming for dinner.”


Katie refrained from rolling her eyes. She could handle her mother when it was just her, but her mom and her aunts together were an entirely different animal. Fierce. Opinionated. Overbearing. And Kim was the worst.

“Aunt Kara too?”

“Not expecting her.”

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

She thought she was home free, seeing as they’d made it to dessert in relative harmony, that is until her mother had to mention she was planning to go to the city this weekend. Why was that any of her aunt’s business anyway? Kevin squeezed her knee under the table in a bid for her to hold her tongue. Katie put another forkful of chocolate cake in her mouth.

“Kelly told me that football player wants to marry you.” Kim looked from her to her mother. “He’s going to law school. Did you hear? Got accepted to Harvard.”

Katie rolled her eyes. She couldn’t stop herself this time.

“Cameron.” Her mom gushed like she actually knew him. “He visits Kelly every day to check on Katie. He really cares for her.”

“When’s the last time you heard from your baby daddy?” Her aunt looked at her all righteous and smug.

Katie wanted to slap that look off her face. But she couldn’t. The truth was she hadn’t heard one word from Brendan in all this time, and everybody here knew it. Maybe if she didn’t respond at all, her aunt would just drop it.

“You should marry him.”


“If you’re even thinking of sitting around and waiting for Brendan, then you’re foolish.” Kim sat back in the chair and folded her arms across her chest.

Wasn’t anybody going to help her out here? Someone needed to shut her aunt up before she lost her temper.

“That’s not what I’m thinking.”

Kim wagged her finger. “You’re not thinking at all. What kind of options do ya think you’re gonna have around here, especially after that baby comes? None, I tell ya.”

Options? What the fuck was she talking about? Katie knew what love was, and as far as she was concerned there were no other options.

“I don’t love Cameron that way and I don’t want to get married just because I’m pregnant.”

“You’ll learn to love him.” Kim shook her head. “Kristie, you need to talk some sense into your daughter…”

“Stop it.”

Her aunt continued as if she wasn’t sitting right there. “…before she throws her whole life away.”

“I said stop it.” Katie spoke louder.