Page 115 of Maelstrom

“I saw the photos, and trust me, it wasn’t him.” Brendan shuddered, a cold chill running through him as the pictures flashed in his head. “Mitch likes to beg for a flogging. He doesn’t give them.”

Dillon got up from his chair. “We can’t just sit around and hope they—”

The front door swung open, halting whatever Dillon was going to say. Brendan froze for a second, thinking they were here to arrest him, but then he remembered even the police had to buzz the gate to get inside.

Chloe stormed into the room. Jesse, Taylor, and Matt followed in her wake. She stood right in front of him, hands on her hips, glaring at him with that look. Eyes narrowed. Lips pursed. Brendan hadn’t seen her look this mad since…well, since that time she insisted she was an entrée, not a side dish. On any other day he might’ve given a shit why she appeared to be so angry, but not today. He had his own shit to deal with.

“You…” Chloe wagged her finger in his face. She looked like she was about to cry. “…are such an ass.”

Brendan sat back in his seat. He knew what was coming and why she’d barged into the office like that. He hadn’t told anyone about him and Katelyn yet. Obviously, Chloe must have spoken to her.

They’re friends, idiot. Of course she did.

“Uh-oh.” Dillon chuckled at her. “What he do?”

It wasn’t Chloe who answered, though. “Big man, here…” Matt sneered with a tip of his chin. “…dumped Katie.”

Everyone looked at Brendan. He looked at his hands in his lap. “It wasn’t like that.” And he looked up. “I love her, you know.”

“Then why would you do that?” Her voice rose an octave. “I don’t understand, Brendan.”

“For exactly that reason, Chloe. I’m not dragging her into this shit.”


Using a curt tone, Brendan cut her off. “I don’t want that for her.”

Chandan began to cry. “You made a huge mistake, Brendan. Huge!” Chloe retrieved the baby from Jesse’s arms.

Matt shook his head. “Did you ever think to ask Katie what she wanted?”


Brendan never got to answer.

Matt walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

Katie stepped onto the platform.

No one knew she was coming home. She hadn’t bothered calling before she left the city. Then she’d just have to explain twice. Once on the phone and again when she walked in the door. She figured once would be difficult enough.

She retrieved her bag, psyching herself up for the short walk to her dad’s hardware store here in town. Katie never expected to see Kevin standing there when she turned around.

“Kev?” She flung herself at her brother, tears flowing, hugging him so tight they swayed on the platform. “How did you know I’d be here?”

“Kelly called this morning.” Kevin put one arm around her and picked up her bag with the other. “You got a bunch of people worked up back there. Who’s Leo?”

“He’s our…I mean Kelly’s assistant manager at the shop.”

“Well, the story I got from mom was some guy…I forget his name…plays football? Anyway, he shows up at Beanie’s looking for you and Kelly tells him you’re at school. Guess he told her you ain’t, ’cause you quit or some shit, and when he woke up this morning, you were gone. That’s when Leo informed them you got in a car with your suitcase.” He shrugged then put her bag in the back of the Raptor. “They’re all freaking out. I knew this is where I’d find you.”

Kevin helped her into the passenger seat. He got in on the driver’s side and started the truck, but he didn’t pull out of the parking space. He turned in his seat.

“Now, before we go home, wanna tell me what’s going on? And why you spent the night at some guy’s house who ain’t your boyfriend?”

She sniffled, wiping her eyes. “It might take a while.”

“That’s okay.” He leaned over the console and hugged her. “Not going anywhere, big sister.”