Page 102 of Maelstrom

“Look at me.”

Katelyn turned her head and her aqua eyes gazed into his. He could see all the love she had inside their depths and it was his turn to be enthralled.

“I love you.” He held her to him, and bringing his lips to hers, pushed himself all the way inside her. The spark she ignited in him all those months ago would never extinguish. It burned brighter with every passing day.

With every touch.

Every kiss.

She fucking consumed him.

Brendan couldn’t tell where he ended and she began anymore. He pumped in and out of her, faster and faster, skin slapping skin. Sweat dripped from his face, his hair, his chest, to join with hers and trickle in rivulets down her breasts. He caught one with his tongue and suckled on her nipple.

Katelyn burned inside him. She pumped through his veins and singed every cell in his body, leaving her indelible mark. So lost in her, he didn’t notice the sensation at the base of his spine until it was too late to stop it. His balls drew up and painfully tightened as the orgasm ripped through him with a roar. It was like she siphoned the cum right out of his body into hers, leaving him weightless. Boneless. Weak.

He just held her. Stroking her hair down her back, he held her until he caught his breath and his heartrate slowed. He kissed her crown and closed his eyes. How lucky was he to have her to love?

To be loved by her.

Brendan wasn’t sure how long they slept. The snow was still coming down when he opened his eyes to a dark room. Katelyn was burrowed beneath his arm, under the blanket. He watched her breathe until her eyelids fluttered open.

“Hey, sleepy girl.”

She smiled.


He grabbed his phone from the pocket of his jeans on the floor. Dillon. A link to a newspaper article accompanied three little words.

Salena is dead.

“Apparently she’d been dead for a while.” Dillon shrugged. “Didn’t find her until the neighbors started complaining about the smell.”

Brendan shuddered to think of the ghastly sight they must have encountered when they opened the door to that apartment.

It’d been a couple days since the near-blizzard storm dropped a foot of snow on the city. He, Taylor, and his cousins sat in their Park Place office, ruminating the news of Salena’s death. The newspaper article, a short blurb with her photo, didn’t tell them much, other than her death was being investigated as a homicide.

“How long do you have to be dead before you start stinking up the place?” Dillon wanted to know.

Taylor pursed his lips in thought and shrugged. “That would depend on a lot of things, like ambient temperature and the manner of death, but with the heat on I’d guess not too long. A few days, perhaps. A week at most.”

Everyone just looked at him. Everyone except Jesse, that is. He shook his head and rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face.

“What?” Taylor responded to the roomful of stares. “I watch all those bloody true crime programs on the telly.”

“You’re morbid, Tay.”

“And yet you watch them with me, don’t you, love?”

“Don’t you think someone should’ve noticed before that?” Kyan held his chin with his thumb, rubbing his temple with his index finger.

Dillon looked at his brother. “Before what?”

“Before she putrefied.”

Taylor’s distaste was evident. “I guess she really didn’t have any friends.”

“Yes, she did.” Kyan rose from his chair to refill his coffee. “Brantley.”