Addison's eyes narrow in a way I'm not liking. My voice low with a warning, I state, "Thirdly, stop being territorial over a child you haven't even met, especially when the two people he spends the most time with outside of myself and my momma is Tats and Ken!"
She flinches, hurt passing through her eyes, hurt that I'm not falling for; I can see a fucking gleam.
Is she a patch chaser and I missed it?
Her gaze drops to my patch, hunger shining through her eyes, before they turn sad again, and I have to grit my teeth.
Fuck me, she is a patch chaser…. Dammit!
Noah turns to look at Addison, and I raise a brow at Ken, wondering if this is why she never tried to get to know her. She shrugs as the brothers watch on. She won't tell me what to do because she refuses to get involved. Though, by the side eye she keeps giving Add, I can see she can't stand her.
Leaning right into Noah’s face, Addison grins. "Hi there, cutie," she says in a baby voice, like she’s talking to a dog. Ken steps forward, ready to grab him, knowing he's in a headbutting faze. His scared look turns into a scowl at Addison, showing his true feelings, before he slams forward, making my hold on him slip a little. His forehead smashes against Addison's nose and a crunch sounds through the clubhouse. Kennedy snorts but coughs to cover it up.
Addison screeches in horror as blood starts to pour from her nose. Anger shines through her eyes as she gets in my two-year-old’s fucking face and screams, "You fucking piece of shit, unwanted brat."
My blood runs cold as Noah cries. Ken takes him from me as Tats, who is hardly ever here, rushes over, guiding them to the other side of the room. Doc moves toward them to check Noah’s head, while I seethe, my anger boiling.
Addison continues to screech, not seeing the danger she's currently in as she points at my upset little boy and states, "When we get married, that brat can either live with your mother or his own!"
Everyone freezes and someone, who I'm guessing is Tats, growls.
I sneer at her, causing her to freeze in horror, realizing she's just shown her true colors. I know he hurt her, but he's fucking two. Two!
I grab Addison's arm and drag her toward the door as Liam, Snake's cousin, rushes in from gate duty. He narrows his eyes at the bitch before taking her off my hands.
"Breaker, baby…" she coos, blood dripping down her lip onto her white lace crop top. Her clothing choice to meet a child should have been an indicator of her true intentions. She trips in her too-high heels, causing her to gasp as she tries to come toward me, fighting against Liam's hold.
I point at her, making her tense, and growl, "Bitches are not welcome here, and I am not your fucking baby, you fucking patch chaser." I lean forward as her face pales, realizing she's been found out. I command, "Get the fuck out of here before you leave in a body bag."
Her breath stutters before she scrambles to leave the club, and I turn, rushing over to my boy. There’s already a crowd around him.
"Alright, that's enough, everyone. Back off now!" Snake booms as I make my way through the crowded room.
"Ken-Ken…" Noah murmurs, and my heart trips at his tears.
Kennedy holds him tighter as I get closer, and fuck am I happy to have my cousin around these past two years. She's been my silent rock.
She gives me a smile as she hands him over, and he sobs, "Da-Da…."
"Take him to his Grams', Alex," Kennedy whispers, and I nod as she kisses Noah, who kisses her back with a loud, "Mwah…" making me laugh.
I kiss Ken on her cheek, whispering, "Love you, little cousin," making her smil,e before she heads out the front, waving toward Lola, who waves back. Lola’s gaze keeps flicking between me and Ken, while Doc scowls.
I sigh, unwilling to tell them the truth, knowing what Ken will go through if I do.
"Come on, bud, let's go see Grams," I murmur, and he nods. I head toward the back door, patting Tats on the back as a thanks for looking out for my son. The fucker is amazing with him. He demands Noah's time every weekend to give me a break.
Him and Ken are my fucking rocks.
Five minutes later, I walk into Momma's yellow, two-story Victorian home, which my father built on club property next to Bulls when my dad first met Momma. It's the home I grew up in, but if things go how I believe they will with Crow, she'll be moving out soon. Apparently, Dad wanted to travel after I grew up, and he was handing the house to me. Bull and Snake expressed that if I didn't want it when the time came, I could build my own place. Still, I couldn't imagine living elsewhere, so, after Noah was born, I left my room at the club house and moved back in.
"There's my baby boy," Momma calls as she rushes through the swinging kitchen, through the light gray living room, and around the black leather couch to get to us.
Just when I think she's talking to me, she grabs Noah, making me chuckle as I hand him over. I walk over to the couch and take a seat.
"I ended things with Addison."
Momma sits on the end of the couch with her brows furrowed as she asks, "I thought you and Charlie spoke?"