Page 33 of Breaker

"He misses you, Squirt."

I nod. I miss him, too, but I won't admit that. We both need to move on.

Jack sighs before tapping my car door, and then heads to the guard hut, pressing a button. The gate opens, and I reluctantly drive through it, then at the back of the queue of cars as Breaker stays near the door, but I can feel his eyes on me.

He's waiting.

With a silent pep talk, I lock my car before heading that way, all while I try not to look at him. When I get near the door, I intend to head inside without acknowledging him. Still, he has different intentions, and I should have seen them coming, especially after the past few days of constant calls. He steps in front of me, making me suck in a breath.

His musky wooden scent hits my senses, and I tear up.

I miss him so much, so, so much.

He places two fingers under my chin, making me raise my head. His sad green eyes lock with mine.

He sucks his lip ring into his mouth before rasping, "I've missed you, Goldie."

I blink several times, hoping I don't cry, and whisper, "I-I need to go inside…."

He nods, his gaze pinned to me before he bends and lightly kisses the corner of my mouth, making my heart race. I close my eyes, memorizing the touch of his lips, before I pull back and walk around him.

"I'm not giving up, Goldie. You're mine, and I'm yours."

I don't want this consuming feeling; I can't go through what Momma did. I just can't….

“Why did he do this?” Momma sobs….

I shake my head as I get inside and I hear a shouted,"Quinny…."as a figure comes up behind me, a hand gliding over my hip. I ignore Breaker and smile as Noah runs over to me, with April following him.

I go down the steps and catch him as he jumps into my arms. This makes me giggle, and Shelly walks over, stating, "He's been watching that door like a hawk."

I grin at her words and kiss Noah's head before kneeling, cupping his cheeks, and asking him with a raised brow, "You being good, or are you playing more pranks?"

Like the one he played on Andrew yesterday, putting tacks on his chair.

He grins. "I've been very good…."

I laugh, knowing he's lying, especially by Shelly's smirk. I kiss his forehead as April gives me a hug, taps Noah's shoulder, shouts, "Tag, your it…"and runs off, making me laugh as Noah runs after her.

I smile as I stand up and Breaker steps up beside me. He kisses my head, lingering for a moment, making me close my eyes.

"I'll be by the bar if you need anything," he rasps before walking away. A tear falls, but I quickly wipe it away as Shelly's eyes soften.

I shake my head. "I don't want to hear it, Shell…."

She just shrugs, saying, "You're in love with my son. I believe you two will figure things out."

I’m opening my mouth to speak, to tell her she's wrong and that we won't work out, when Lola steps up beside me. I grind my teeth, hoping I don't punch the club princess.

"You alright, Lola?" Shelly asks.

She clears her throat, but I don't look at her, my eyes watching the kids as she whispers, "Yeah, I'm good, Shelly. Hey Quinn, could I have a moment?"

I look her way and rasp, "Actually, I think you should get the hell away from me before I break your nose for what you did out of petty jealousy.”

She flinches, her eyes tearing up, but nods. She walks away, leaving me fuming.

Shelly looks between us and asks, "Can you explain that, please?"