“Well, when I lost you at the food stalls, I came back here to find her, but she was gone too! I asked around, but I couldn’t find her.”
“Couldn’t find who?” came a voice from behind.
“Geri!” Adonis screamed. “You’re back! Where have you been?”
She shrugged. “Just around. How about you? You left us in the middle of setting up those lights.”
Adonis rolled his eyes. “I’ve been up since too-fucking–early o’clock, helping you guys with the garden. I needed some sustenance. But—” Narrowing his gaze at the wolf shifter, he cocked his head to the side. “You seem…different.”
“Different? How?”
He tapped a finger to his chin. “Hmm…I don’t know, girl, but you have that ‘just fucked glow.’”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Geri said, cool as a cucumber. “Hey, are we done with work now? Can we please go and check out this amazing street party? I’m ready to get smashed on some ouzo!”
Persephone laughed, feeling her spirits return. “I agree! C’mon, guys!”
The three of them set off in the direction of the stage where the band was once again playing, and they all danced for the next couple of songs. Their antics drew in a crowd, and soon, the dance floor was filled to the gills. A group had handed them some shots, which they had accepted. The offered shot was slightly clear, its liquid shimmering in the ambient lights of the street fair. As Persephone brought it to her lips, a mysterious aroma enveloped her senses, its scent elusive and intriguing. The sweetness of the liquid danced on her taste buds, and a comforting warmth spread through her body, adding a pleasant note to the festive atmosphere.
Once the band announced a break, the trio set off for the games kiosks. Geri and Adonis showed their competitive streaks, both trying to best each other in the various games of skill, though both agreed that the real winner was Persephone, who got to keep all their prizes.
“I don’t know what you expect me to do with twenty-seven stuffed animals,” she groaned, looking at the large basket filled to the brim with prizes.
“And don’t forget that baby goat I won you.” Adonis winked at Geri.
“That’s because you cheated!” she retorted.
“I can’t help it if I’m naturally more talented than you.”
“At guessing that guy’s weight?” she huffed.
“Maybe it’s because I’ve had more experience handling prime man meat,” he chuckled.
“Skank.” She stuck her tongue out playfully at him.
“Bitch,” he retorted, then they burst into a fit of giggles and embraced each other, cackling at their own antics.
Persephone smiled at them wryly. When Adonis first called her that word, Geri had found it amusing. “If he only knew,” she had told Persephone, alluding to her wolf nature. Since then, calling each other’s names had become their love language.
“I think it’s time we lay off the ouzo,” Persephone announced.
“And the whiskey!” Geri screamed.
“And the mead!” Adonis added.
“And don’t forget the rum!”
Persephone slapped her forehead. “Yeah, definitely time for a break.”
“Alrighty, no more alcohol.” Geri slung the basket over her shoulder effortlessly. “Let me put this aside. Why don’t you guys go and find us something to eat? It’ll help us soak up the alcohol.”
“No prob, but I need to go to the bathroom,” Adonis said. “Sorry, gotta break the seal.”
Persephone chuckled. “I’ll go find us some food.”
They all agreed to meet at the picnic tables set up by the food stalls in about twenty minutes. Unfortunately, the crowds had only grown in the last couple of hours, and the wait for food took much longer than Persephone anticipated. She had been standing in line for half an hour for the samosa booth when she decided to give up and look for her friends, just in case they were lost too.
As she made her way back to the picnic tables, a discreet figure approached, extending a small note. Persephone’s curiosity flickered, and she took the note with a gracious smile, then unfolded it.