Page 46 of Midlife Woes (Ex)

“Asshole jerk, how the hell am I supposed to do that?”

“Figure it out since you know everything.”

He had the nerve to walk back to the bed and kiss me before walking out of the room. I don’t see what he has to be so snippy about. I’m the one who he’s put on house arrest without cause. I should call his captain and complain, but I’m afraid of what the nutter would do next.

* * *

“Seven-hundred and fifty?Who the hell knows seven hundred people?”

“My Dad, Mom, and me. Why? How many you got?” I just got off the phone with the wedding planner, who informed me that the guest count was at seven-fifty.

“Fifty, and I thought that was too much.” I haven’t had a moment’s peace since I met this man. Not only do I have to deal with his shit, but all of a sudden, Kevin seems to have lost his mind as well.

He’d been by the house and found no one there, then the kids must’ve told him that I had moved out essentially and he called having a fit about me taking the house only to abandon it. Damon must’ve realized from my tone that Kevin was being an asshole because he took the phone from my hand and told him to get lost.

“Don’t yell at my woman, or we’re gonna have an issue.” I don’t know what answer he received, but he decided to go for the jugular. “In the future, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call my fiancée before noon because that’s about the time I let her out of my bed. You understand.” Then he hung up. Looks like he woke up this morning and chose violence.

I’ll have to remind my ex not to call my phone because, after that call, Damon almost killed me in his bed as if he thought he could fuck my past right outta me. Nutcase.

* * *

“I like this one.”He pointed to the wedding gown of his choice.

“I do, too, but it will show off my stomach too much.” The dress was a beautiful lace column, trumpet mermaid dress with a chapel train in ivory. My eyes kept going to it, but as gorgeous as it was, I knew my pregnancy belly would be on full display in something like this.

His hand was playing with my mound as it always does these days, and I frowned down at the sight. I’m not sure, but I seem to be bigger than usual. If the doctor was right, then this was my fourth month, but my stomach seemed very stretched, which convinced me even more that it would be much bigger in a few weeks when our wedding day came around.

The last two months have been eye-opening. I now know that the other half of my life is going to look very different from the first half. I’ve always been an equal partner in my marriage and, more often than not, had to be the one to make the heavy decisions since Kevin was too busy sometimes. I’m lucky if I get to choose what I want for dinner these days.

I told him he was being overbearing; he said tough shit. I told him that women these days don’t like pushy men; he said he didn’t give a fuck what women liked or didn’t like and that it had nothing to do with us. I made the mistake of reading an article about modern marriage on the Internet, and he took my phone for the rest of the day.

When I get on his nerves too much, his answer is to fuck me blind, so I can’t read shit to annoy him. His words. I gave up trying to talk sense into him since he’d gotten my kids and my friends in on it with him.

I’d spoken to his parents on the phone, but since they were still on their yearly vacation, which apparently lasted three months, we hadn’t met in the flesh yet. So far, things seem to be going well there, and I have at least one consolation and reassurance for the future, and that’s in the way he treats his mother.

He's very gentle with her and so respectful, but I think I see where he gets his overprotective streak from because his Dad pretty much treats his Mom the same way. I can see why, though; she’s extremely beautiful and does not look old enough to have a son Damon’s age.

She’s excited about the wedding and the baby and can’t wait to get back to the States to meet me; in fact, her son had to talk them out of ending their vacation too soon. I know the reason he did it is because he likes to hog my attention. But I’ll forgive him because he thinks of everything.

We’d had talks with the kids about their feelings about the pregnancy, and he’d reassured them that he wasn’t going to treat them differently because we were having biological children together. As my future husband, he was willing to take on any role they chose since he knew they had a Dad who was alive and well. I really appreciated that.

Kevin had given up trying to get to me since he had no idea where I lived, and I strongly believe that Damon would shoot him on the spot if he tried showing up here. In the end, my family and I had decided to turn the place into a bed and breakfast with my old staff running it.

Damon had taken care of all the details and gotten things up to code to turn the home into a business and claimed that since it was his idea, he would pay for it all. He started giving my kids an allowance, which I knew nothing about until they called and asked if I’d won the lottery because their allowance had been doubled. That’s when I learned that I had a whole new bank account in my name.

He'd lied that he needed my information to add my name to his house and gone ahead and done all of that. Now we were looking at wedding gowns again which we’ve been doing for months now.

“I want your tummy to show.” He leaned down and kissed his son, and the baby kicked. This is going to be one long-ass baby because his arms and legs seem to be all over the place. One moment they’re pressing against my spine, and the next, they’re poking out my navel.

“Fine, we’ll go with this one then.” I know he made the decision for me because he knew I really wanted it but felt too old and too pregnant for something that fancy, especially since I’d done the whole big wedding thing already. Only he, Sheila, and Maeve didn’t seem to see an issue with it.

My parents had been out here every weekend so far since they learned about our relationship and the pregnancy. My Daddy, another nut, had shown up that first day with his shotgun. Damon thought that shit was hilarious and declared that he would do the same if we had a daughter. I pray it’s a boy for the poor child’s sake.


She looks amazing. I stood at the altar with a couple of my old teammates and her sons. Her bridesmaids were her two best friends, her daughter, and a few other friends of hers. There had to be close to a thousand people here, along with the press.

Yes, I called them because her asshole ex can’t seem to take a hint, so I accepted the millions of dollars they offered to break the news. I made sure Jo got her own deal as well since they were going to be taking images of her for their publication.