“Do you want a cup of tea? I just boiled the kettle.” My voice is finally working.
I don’t know how he takes his tea. How come he consumes my whole being, but I don’t know this trivial fact about him?
“Milk? Sugar?”
“Just a splash of milk, please.”
Splash of milk.
I walk over to the kettle, but his words stop me.
“Do you know how many roundabouts I had to drive through to get here?” His fists are at his waist and feet planted wide apart. Stunned, I watch him wave his hand dramatically in front of him. “Do you realise there are crazy junctions with eight – ten lanes to weave through? Where it’s impossible to know what traffic light was the one I was to follow? You just had to live on the far side of Belfast, didn’t you?”
Laughter bubbles up my throat. I can’t help it, can’t stop it. Trevor’s face breaks out in that cheeky grin that I love.
He steps closer. “I’ve missed the sound of you, city boy.”
Warmth spread in my core at the sound of the nickname. “What are you doing here, Trevor?”
“Julie has a boyfriend.”
“Really?” The change of topic confuses me, but I’m happy for her.
“Uh-huh,” Trevor nods. “Steve from Colerain. She had to go to Belfast to find herself a bloke from down the road.”
“And… how is he?”
“Didn’t have time to interrogate him, I was too busy avoiding Julie’s kicking boot.” I want to ask what he means, but it doesn’t seem important when he steps even closer. Those eyes that have haunted me every minute of the day these last months take me in, searing my body as he swipes his gaze up and down my frame. That familiar tilt to his mouth makes me salivate for the sarcastic tone that I know will lace his words. “She was yelling at me, telling me that I can’t hide in the barn forever. She says it’s worse than hiding in a closet. She literally plotted your address into my satnav, put my keys in the ignition, started the car and forced me into it.”
“You didn’t want to come down here?”
“Only because of the traffic.”
“What are you saying, Trevor?” This must be what it feels like to jump off a plane. A pounding heart, fear and elation.
“I’m saying…” His head drops. Then he glances up at me through his lashes, uncertainty flashing in the blues. “Will you give me another chance?”
I can’t even try to play hard to get, I just nod. A whoosh of air leaves Trevor, and he grabs my face with both hands.
“Yeah?” he asks, his eyes flicking between mine, searching for doubt. He’ll not find any.
I nod harder. “Yes, Trevor.”
His gaze turns dark and needy. My breath is forced out of my lunges as he pushes me roughly against the wall. His lips are firm, brutal, frantic, and I answer with total eager submission. Fireworks go off inside my skull and I grab his shoulders, digging my fingers into his firm muscles. He’s real, not a figment of my imagination. I moan in sheer relief and open my mouth to his probing tongue. He invades me, literally and metaphorically. My hands glide higher, over the beard I’ve been itching to touch all day long.
He leaves paths of fire up my body as he reacquaints himself with every inch of my torso. He breaks the kiss. “You’ve lost weight,” he says, his brows furrowed.
“I haven’t been hungry.”
“You need me to look after you?” His teeth scrape down the column of my throat.
“God, yes…”
The rubber band drops to the floor, and I thread my fingers through his hair.
“I’ve missed you,” he admits. “We had so little time together, yet it feels like I’ve known you forever. I’ve been lost without you.”