“I’m older than you,” I mumble.
“You could be fifty, and you’d still be my boy.”
Chasing Ghosts
“We’re nearly there!”
“Yes, we’re nearly there,” I confirm, butterflies going wild in my stomach.
As nervous as I am, I still can’t take the smile off my face, especially when I turn off from the lane and the headlights illuminate the hulk of a man waiting for us on his porch, feet wide apart, hands in his pockets, and that smirk… that smirk that makes me feel things I didn’t think possible – want things I didn’t know I wanted.
I didn’t go up with him last weekend after his surprise visit. I’d promised to take Adam swimming since I had abandoned him with his mother the day before, and I didn’t want to disappoint my son by cancelling. Instead, I watched Trevor drive off on his own, early Sunday morning while the traffic was still slow.
I hadn’t planned on bringing my son on my first official date with Trevor, but when Adam sussed out that I was going up, he cried and threw a tantrum until I agreed he could join me to see his Rosie after school on Friday.
He’s out of the car like a rocket once I unbuckle him, and straight into Trevor’s arms. I take a moment watching, savouring the sight of the two of them. Then those eyes land on me and I swallow. I don’t know how to behave. What is the correct decorum? With my girlfriends, I was never in doubt – I gave them what I knew they needed: unreserved and unconditional devotion. But I’m not in charge here, I’m in uncharted territory. Do I play it cool and do a head nod, or does Trevor expect more? What if he expects a kiss. I’m not ready to do that in front of my son.
He must sense what’s going on inside of me, as the corner of his mouth lifts.
“Come here, city boy. You’re not too shy for a hug, are you?” His low timbre sends a shiver from my chest down low in my tummy.
“Dad loves hugs!” Adam states enthusiastically, letting go of Trevor with one hand, widening his embrace to let me join them.
Adam’s thin arm locks around my neck as Trevor’s strong arm pulls me in.
“You smell nice,” he whispers. His soft beard brushes my cheek and his hand on my hip squeezes ever so gently, possessively.
Oh, be still my crazy heart.
“Is Rosie on field?”
Trust Adam’s love for a cow to break the best double hug of my life.
“She’s in the barn, ready to be milked for the evening. Do you think you could give me a hand?”
“Yes.” Adam nods. “And I’ve eaten all my vegetables, almost all the time, so I’ve grown tall.” Then he gasps, his eyes wide in horror. “Dad, have I’ve grown so much that the farmer’s suit won’t fit me anymore?”
I try not to laugh, both at his blatant lie about eating his vegetables and his misconception of how much he’s grown. “I think you’ll be fine, son.”
* * *
“The end.”
“Can you read another one?” Adam is clutching Moo in one arm and Wallie in the other, his eyes barely open.
“Let’s save it for tomorrow, yeah?” He tries to argue but is too tired to put up a proper fight. I kiss his forehead. “Love you, Adam. Sleep tight.”
“Love you, Dad.”
“Good night, Adam,” Trevor says from the doorway.
“Love you, Trev’r.”
Trevor’s jaw goes slack, and his tone is hoarse. “Love you too, Adam.”
He laughs quietly as I close the door. “I didn’t expect a love declaration this early.”