She briefly looks at my girls.
“That would be tough.”
Yeah, when BOTH parents actually want them, it is, I think, reflecting on my own unique situation. Clara ran off on us shortly after our divorce was finalized, and we haven’t seen her since. Sure, she sent the occasional postcard from her recent travels, but that’s a far cry from being involved in our children’s lives.
“Anyway,” I change the subject. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“How has your work been at the store?”
“Oh, nothing too exciting.”
“No? Cooky Mr. Fields hasn’t come in and demanded some obscure record from a Mongolian throat-singing band?”
She giggles. “No, not recently. But have you actually taken the time to listen to that music? It’s incredibly beautiful.”
“Really? The idea of it seems so funny.”
“Maybe in our culture. But it’s a pretty technical art form.”
The sincerity behind her pure blue eyes is inspiring.
“I’ll have to give it a listen.”
“If you give me your phone, I can add all of the best stuff to a playlist.”
“I’d like that.” I take my device out of my pocket and hand it to her.
“May we please be excused?” one of the twins asks after they inhale their food.
“You may. But bring your plates to the sink and rinse them off.”
They do as I instruct but then resume their places in front of the television.
“How were they today?” I ask after she gives me the phone back.
“Great. As always.”
“Good. Thank you so much for helping out.”
“It’s really no trouble. I like being with them and being . . . here.” She looks around the house.
“I’m glad. All three of us like having you here.”
“Thanks.” She makes a facial expression that accentuates her dimples.
I bite my lower lip at the thought of kissing them, which I want to do more than almost anything. But I shake my head and once again tell myself to behave.
After she and I finish our meals, she helps me load the dishwasher. Then, the girls ask if we can all watch a movie.
I say yes, give Bea the money I owe her for watching them and then bid her farewell.
“Can’t you stay?” Alessia asks her.
“She probably has other plans, Less.” I assume that someone as gorgeous and young as her would have big plans for a weekend night.
“I really don’t,” she confesses.