Page 2 of Lethal Danger

She activated her coms earpiece. “Base, this is PT3. I’ve caught a purse snatcher in Sector Two, near Judy’s Sweets and Treats. Respond an officer to this location.”

The three police officers on loan to the fair during daytime hours meant she shouldn’t have to wait long for one to show up.

“Officer 1 to Base.” Jazz recognized the voice of Officer Davis Leeland. The guy had already had a busy morning. “Will respond. ETA two minutes.”

The perp shoved his hair back off his sweaty forehead again and moved his gaze away from Flash, scanning the surroundings. Not good.

“Don’t even think it, pal. My K-9 can run circles around you.” Jazz stepped closer to the perp and gripped his slim arm. “Did I mention he’s a tracker, too?” She could zip tie the thief’s wrists, but she’d rather let a cop with cuffs do the honors. Better to keep the bystanders from getting rankled in defense of the criminal.

“You caught him.” The breathless statement drew Jazz’s gaze to the heavyset woman who approached, her chest heaving beneath the low neckline of her tank top.

“Yes, ma’am. Take it easy.” Jazz held up a hand toward the victim to discourage her from acting on the anger that flashed in the eyes behind her glasses. “It’s a hot day.” And the woman looked like she could drop from heatstroke at any moment.

“I want him arrested.” She pointed a finger at the teen past Jazz’s shoulder.

“Yes, ma’am. He will be.” Jazz glanced at the bag on the ground. “Is that your purse?”

“It most certainly is.” The woman huffed as she stomped over to her discarded purse and started picking up the contents that had spilled onto the blacktop.

“Is anything missing?”

The victim’s face was bright red as she stood and marched toward Jazz with the recovered property. “Well, my wallet’s still there, but everything’s filthy now, thanks to this criminal.” She moved close to the kid, lifting a fisted hand.

Jazz shifted to block the woman with her body. “I need you to back up, please.”

“Why should I?” The victim’s sweaty face pressed close to Jazz’s shoulder. “He thinks he can rob innocent people without any consequences.”

“Ma’am, please step over here.” Officer Leeland appeared behind the woman in his police uniform, shooting Jazz a commiserating glance.

The irate woman swung toward him. “The police. Good. I want to file a complaint or whatever I need to do so this thief is arrested.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll get your statement after I secure the suspect. If you’ll head for the main entrance to the grounds, you’ll see the Public Safety Center. Go inside and have a seat until I get there.” The fifty-something cop guided her with a hand close to her shoulder, not touching her as she walked with him six feet away. He said something to her that Jazz couldn’t hear, and the woman left, hopefully agreeing to do as he’d directed.

Leeland headed back to Jazz. “Lamont, right?”

She nodded.

“Good work.” He stepped behind the suspect and cuffed his wrists.

“My K-9 gets the credit for this one. Chased him down when the crowd blocked my way.”

Leeland cast Flash a glance, the K-9 still in his ready stance, intensity shining in his eyes. “Duly noted.”

“Flash, in ordnung.” Jazz put her hand on the Malinois’ smooth head as he relaxed his stance with her release command. She stooped to pick up his leash and watched the stocky officer lead the perp away.

“Well, back to patrol, bud.” She turned to continue the patrol pattern that had been interrupted by the theft. “Nothing like a little excitement to start the day, huh, boy?” She glanced down at the K-9.

His mouth was open unusually wide, and his tongue extended out farther than normal. “On second thought, maybe a water break is in order.” Flash had gotten used to intense heat during their tour in Afghanistan, but the cooler climate of Minnesota was probably undoing that. And the dog had just sprinted in the sun in humid, eighty-degree weather.

She headed for umbrella-shaded tables near the Zilly’s fried cookie dough stand, reaching for the strap of her slim backpack where she kept his water thermos.

She glanced down at Flash. “Maybe I’ll grab—”

A scream rent the air.

She spun toward the sound.

Just in time to see a Ferris wheel passenger cabin freefall.