Page 85 of Mike

He cupped each breast, testing their weight, stroking his thumbs over her nipples until both stood proud and erect. Lowering his head to one breast, he kissed lavishly while rolling the bud of the other between his thumb and forefinger. She grabbed his hair and squirmed until all he felt was her desire. With a groan, he tore his lips from her flesh, his breathing ragged.

“Tell me what you want. Anything, and I’ll do it.”

“I want you. I need you. Now.”

She found his zipper and then slid her hand inside. Hunger tore at him.

“You’re magnificent. And silken,” she whispered.

Christ, she fisted him in her hand. He threw his head back and relished the feel of her gripping him, stroking him up and down.

He bit her earlobe as he glided one hand over her smooth skin to the valley between her legs. He raked his teeth over her shoulder as his fingers drifted lower, finding her sensitive nub, slick with desire. He inserted a finger and heard her gasp, then her hips were lifting toward him. He stroked and rocked while the fingers of his other hand massaged her belly, inciting her arousal to fever pitch.

“I need you, Mike.” She shoved at his pants, pushing them down his hips.

His cock strained and his pulse pounded. He fought to maintain control, but she was having none of that. When she positioned his tip at her entrance, he couldn’t hold back. He lifted her and she locked her legs around his waist. Watching her face, he staggered forward, pressing her back against the wall and entered her with a long, hard thrust.

She moaned and clutched and arched into him. Swelling heat took over his aroused body and consumed his mind. He kissed her hot and hard. He meant to excite her, scorch her. Burn the image of him into her brain, and banish whatever unpleasant thoughts or events that had upset her.

Her grip tightened, her nails raked his back. He plunged again, filling her, burying himself to his balls. Her whimpering cries filled his ears, making him growl and thrust again, each lunge more powerful than the last. A black hole swallowed him, where the only thing he felt was need. Pure and raw.

“Harder. Faster,” Cassie panted out between breaths, sending him into a mindless trance. He slammed into her roughly, sinking as deep as he could possibly go.

“Yes, Oh God, yes.” She cried out as her muscles spasmed.

He could hold back no longer. He roared out her name and spilled himself into her, ecstasy ripping through his blood.

For a long time, he stood there, his legs trembling where his muscles clenched, waiting for his breathing to return to normal. Completely spent, he cupped the back of her head, his eyes holding hers. Emotion swarmed in her turquoise depths, engulfing his already raw nerves in overwhelming sensation. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, for fear of the spell being broken. Cassie was right where he wanted her—in his arms.

“Stay with me,” she whispered. “Don’t leave me.”


Her words stabbed his gut. Melted his bones and seized every cell in his body. He drew her up to meet his lips and kissed her with all the tenderness erupting inside him.

He’d never felt such strong sentiment before. His innards twisted in knots and a sting smarted in his belly so fierce, he ached. Slowly, reality intruded as their position slowly crept to awareness.

And the fact that he’d taken her without protection. He’d never been so careless. He dropped his forehead against hers.

“Cassie. I, I didn’t use a condom.”

“I’m on the pill. I haven’t been with anyone in two years.”

Two years?

“Believe it or not, I haven’t been with anyone in a while. And I always use protection.” So, they should be safe.

With tender care, he lowered her and removed the rest of his clothing. Then he swept her up into his arms, loving the feel of her cradled against his chest, wondering how he might keep her forever. Her arms secure around his neck, she skirted kisses over his collarbone.

After padding to the bedroom, he stepped to the bed and gently placed her on the edge, where she quickly scooted up and pulled down the covers. She crawled in and patted the space beside her. With a satisfied grin, he released a pleasured sigh and slipped under the comforter with her. Curling up with Cassie in his arms was the closest thing to heaven he could imagine. They lay entwined as the evening’s light disappeared into shadows.

Sweet pleasure swirled through Mike’s chest at having Cassie snuggled up against him. Mike was afraid to close his eyes for fear the one good thing in his life would disappear. Cassie’s breath felt warm on his shoulder. Her even breathing created a sense of contentment. The slow rise and fall of her chest told him she was asleep.

What had possessed her to behave like a wild creature? He wasn’t complaining, although he couldn’t help but worry. All the signs were there.

Desperation. Agony. Distress.

The concept of something, or someone, doing anything to hurt Cassie … he couldn’t wrap his mind around what might have happened to make her react in such a way. The idea of her being hurt brought out the beast in him. He wanted to crush anyone who dared to harm her.