Page 83 of Mike

Jennifer closed in, blocking the doorway.

“Do not say another word, Jennifer. Not one word.” Cassie brushed past her and practically ran from the hospital. By the time she slumped in her car, tears flowed freely down her cheeks. Unable to see, let alone drive, she broke down and allowed sobs to rack her body.

Anguish crushed her core. With every tear, she battled the heavy burdens weighing on her soul.

Grief for her dad, worry for her mom, heartache for the wasted years she’d tried to please her family.

Chapter 19

Cassie made it home without crashing her car. Having Mike and his team respond to a car wreck and find her would be a hoot, wouldn’t it? Between her tears and the buzzing in her ears, she could barely see. She unlocked her apartment door and dragged herself inside, the darkened room a relief to her pounding head. All she wanted was a shower. The blinking light on her answering machine caught her notice. She decided to ignore it.

Drained of energy, she kicked off her shoes and padded down the hall, more than a little weary. A soothing shower and then some coffee. No. Coffee would only make her more wired. Wine would do the trick. And some aspirin. With wine? She shrugged. What difference did it make?

When she reached the bathroom, she stood in the darkened doorway without turning on the light. In her mind, she could see her father on his last day in this world. To her knowledge, he’d never said a word against any member of his family. In his drug induced state, she supposed he could have spoken some sort of nonsense. Why did her sister have to be so spiteful?

Cassie flicked on the light, stepped to the tub and turned on the water faucets. When the temperature felt right, she removed her top, then the rest of her clothes and slipped under the spray.

Water rushed over her head, massaging her scalp. She wished it could wash away the pain. The headache and the stinging memory of the scene with her sister. She rotated her shoulders, the power of the nozzle kneading her muscles while she willed the stream to relieve the tension in her body. Her chest rose as she took a breath, inhaling as deep as her lungs would allow.

A long time passed before her body began to chill. How long she’d stood there, she didn’t know. She’d lost all track of time.

She dried off and wrapped a towel around her, folding one end just above her breasts. She picked up her brush and ambled to the bed. Unable to ignore the blinking light, she plopped down on the comforter and punched the button on her answering machine. Hoping she would not hear her sister’s voice, she brushed her hair as she listened to her messages. The hot shower had helped, but her black mood had not improved. On the third beep, she heard Mike.

Good Lord, the man’s voice was lethal. His vibrant tone penetrated every nerve in her body. Her need for him overwhelmed her senses. After the confrontation with her sister, she was vulnerable. She began to tremble. A delayed reaction, she supposed, from the encounter. Tammy’s words rang in Cassie’s head.

If you don’t believe the mirror and you won’t believe me, then believe Mike.

Could she believe Mike? When he told her she was beautiful? When he made her feel like he truly desired her and not just a woman to warm his bed?

Right now, she needed Mike. She needed his strength. She needed him to restore her confidence as a woman. To heal her bleeding heart.


I need him.

Cassie lifted the phone and tapped in the number before she could change her mind. On the first ring, she panicked. What would she say? What if she started crying? What if he didn’t answer? What if he had another girl there? What if …

“Mike here.”

Oh God.


“Hello.” His irritated voice came across the line. “If you’re there, you better speak.”

“Mike?” Her voice cracked.

“Cassie?” He sounded unsure.

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Are you okay?” His voice softened and filled with concern.

“Mike …” Her voice broke. Oh hell. “I need you.”

“I’m on my way.”

No words had ever given her more security. He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t ask what was wrong. He simply told her what she needed to hear.