Page 70 of Mike

Shep took a breather and Mike figured he better remain quiet until the Captain was done.

“Mr. Williams wanted to make sure it was all right for his son to pay us a visit. He said his son doesn’t lie. But since Mr. Williams was not part of the conversation, he wanted to know our policy on children coming to the fire station, or if it was even allowed.”

“That’s it?”

“What did you think? He was suing you for manhandling his son?”

“Well, you never know.”

“Seems you made an impression on the kid. His father’s work takes him out of town a lot. He can bring the boy by next week. I explained we might get a call, or if there was an emergency you’d be gone. Mr. Williams said they’d work that out.”

“That’s great, Cap. Wait till you meet this kid. You’ll see what I mean.”

“I’ve got to handle something else, so that’s all for now.”

“Sure thing, Cap.” Taking his cue, Mike closed the door as he left.

Shit. He left his water in Shep’s office. He went to the main room to get another one.

“Cooper made a grand gesture of looking at Mike’s ass.”

“I don’t fly that way, pup.”

“Just checking to see how much the Cap chewed off.”

“What?” Laredo called from the corner. “Mike get an ass chewing? What’d you do?”

Leave it to Laredo to pick up a dead ball and run with it.

“No, I didn’t get my ass chewed. I’m going to have to teach pup here some manners.”

“I didn’t do nothing,” Cooper said, throwing up his hands in defense.

“Wait till Jared—”

Mike interrupted Laredo. “You yahoos better straighten up. We got a kid coming to the station.”

“A kid? Whose? Yours?”

Mike glared at Cooper.

“When did you have a kid?” Laredo chimed in.

“Why do I bother?” Mike said, rolling his eyes.

“All right. All right.” Laredo got serious. “Who’s the kid?”

“A boy I met in ER. About ten years old.”

“Is he okay?” Cooper asked.

“You wouldn’t believe this kid. Fell out of a tree onto a saw. Put a gash in his leg and walked into his house calm as a cucumber.”

“That’s the way my kid will be.” Cooper beamed.

“Your kid? Better have someone else raise him then.”

Mike walked off while Laredo and Cooper went at each other. He had other things on his mind.